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I do digital art, yes! But do you know who inspired me to start it? His name is Bread, he is a fun individual I met on February 2022. He as silly cartoon characters and pretty simple yet interesting lores. When I listened to his stories, they attracted me a lot and I started making OC lores.
If any of you readers are my close friends, you can see me making random arts and sketches about the lore involving my OCs, it is all thanks to Bread. (Even though I don't think you are interested)
Bread is now a college student, so he is less active than he used to be.  I still continue writing stories and lores, etc etc. He is my father figure, an amazing and positive friend !

Bread, if you are reading, I miss you buddy. Thank you for be my main inspiration!

Random Vincent's nostalgiaWhere stories live. Discover now