the funny phase

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**(Mentions of pedophile)

Every art kid must have gone through the Gacha Phase (yes I was one, and they give me inspirations too...)
I usually search for Gacha mini movies, there are typical ones such as The Hated Child, Alpha Wolf or sth xD
I also watch artists of the Gacha community, I admired Hatsumi Rou back then and I was always encouraged to do more silly OCs art from her. I even do fanarts!!
Sadly, around October 2023, she was exposed to be a predator and manipulative, I am personally disappointed.
I search for random movies and they were all romantic back then (not much creativity). They gave me ideas for my lores, too.
Another thing is..........animation memes. I am FINE with the animations, they are all so great and smooth. I wonder why furries, a few personas are hated....

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