my loyal supporters

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I LOVE LORES! I LOVE SHOWING THEM TO MY FRIENDS!!! But its hard, because they seem uninterested in those. Despite that, I have two great supporters. One is Hailey and one WAS Chris (didn't meet him again :sob:) . Do note that these are placeholder names.

In grade 4, I wrote a story A Cursed Daisy, inspired by a Royale High series: Coven.
Chris saw me writing intensely and asked to take a peak. And well, he had been reading 5 episodes of the story and I was so flattered that someone liked my story. He even complimented: The battle is so good!, This character is quite unique,... You know, when they say "The story is quite good." , it feels like they are not so fond of the story and they just tryna give a fast comment. Thank you Chris :D

Secondly, now, I write and draw at the same time. I have a story called A Journey to Dreams. My friend, Hailey usually asks me for permissions to borrow it and read. I feel so appreciated when she even remembers many OCs of mine, even though she's not in the art community herself. She is even interested and ask for lore, like a fan. Thank you Hailey :].

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