Children, I have some terrible news.

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"I wonder why mum sent us to the library." Audrey Clarke asked.

"Mum said it was because Dad had to meet with some important relative. And also, you're right. We already have heaps of books in our home library. Why would we need more?" Eddie Clarke replied.

"Well, let's put that aside. I heard that the library got a new bundle of books on marine biology. I'm going to go check those out." She mentioned.

"Yep. Books. How interesting. It's not like I have an INFINITE amount of better things to do." Eddie replied sarcastically.

"Whatever. Just stay here and talk to yourself or something. I'm gonna go to those books." Audrey said as she rolled her eyes. She could never understand what her brother had against books.

Audrey spent some time looking through the books, but after a while she walked back to Eddie's spot to check that he was okay. Eddie was fine, but in the distance, a figure was approaching from the entrance with a briefcase and a handkerchief.

"I wonder who that is." Audrey said.

"I don't know. But he seems to be coughing madly." Eddie replied.

The man came closer, and the Clarkes squinted to see that it was Mr Poe, from the city bank. He was in charge of their parent's finances as well.

Mr Poe was now a few steps away, still wildly wheezing into his handkerchief. After a moment, his coughing fit calmed, and he began to say, "Clarkes, I have some terrible news. Your parents are now deceased, from a house fire." Mr Poe began.

Audrey stared at Mr Poe as the book in her hand fell the ground with a thump.

"Deceased means that they have died." Mr Poe explained, trying to make the situation better. Unfortunately it did not.

"We– we know what deceased means. Eddie stuttered.

"Now, now children. Come with me. You two will stay at my house until we find you a suitable guardian." Mr Poe said.

The siblings followed Mr Poe to his car.

"May– may we please see our house?" Eddie asked. Audrey nodded in agreement.

"Suit yourself, Clarkes. But alright." Mr Poe replied.


He drove them to the ruins of their mansion, and gave them a few minutes to tour around. Audrey decided to go her parent's study room. She carefully opened a drawer, and a dirty golden spyglass rolled out. She tenderly picked it up as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She smoothed her hands over it, when the bottom half of it crumbled off into dust. She shrugged it off, and placed the remaining half in her pocket.

After Mr Poe decided that the Clarkes had had enough time to walk around their house, he took them back to his house to spend the night before he found a guardian. "When Audrey comes of age, you will inherit your parent's fortune. But until then, you will be placed under the care of a guardian or guardians." He explained.


The Clarkes spent the night at Mr Poe's house. The next morning, they were woken bright and early.
"Children, I have been lucky enough to find you a guardian. Pack your things into the car and we shall get going." Mr Poe said.

"We don't have anything, Mr Poe. Our things disappeared in the fire, remember?" Audrey reminded him.

"Ah, yes. Of course. Well, hurry yourselves up so we can get to your new guardian." Mr Poe said, "Banking hours are no joke, children."


Tysm for reading this far! I'm assuming this book is interesting if you have. If you have any suggestions or comments, please write them! I'll tru to write frequently.

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