Dr. Montgomery Montgomery.

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Sorry if it's been boring! Pls trust me, a more interesting part is coming. Tysm for continuing to read anyways. Love u guys <3

Third person POV:

The Clarkes piled into Mr Poe's small car as he drove them to their new guardian's house. The drive was a long a tedious one, with Mr Poe having to steer around tight bends and roads.
"What's that smell?" Eddie asked no one in particular.

Ah, children that is– ginger? Apples? Wait, no, horseradish. Yes, that's right." Mr Poe answered.

"Who exactly is our guardian Mr Poe?" Audrey implored.

"Your new guardian is a world-renowned scientist. A herpetologist, to be exact."

"Ah." Audrey replied.

"A herpetologist is a scientist that studies snakes." Mr Poe explained to them, even though they were fully aware of what a herpetologist was. He had a habit of that, Audrey noticed.

"We know what a herpetologist is, Mr Poe." Eddie said, the annoyance clear in his voice. Only someone like Mr Poe wouldn't be able to notice it.

"Your guardians name is Montgomery Montgomery."

"Our guardian's name is Montgomery Montgomery?" Audrey wondered.

"Yes, now please do not ridicule him for it. I'm sure he experiences it enough children." Mr Poe reminded them.

They continued the torturous drive when finally, they reach the entrance to a large estate. The gates that opened to allow them in was lined with etchings of snakes and all types of reptiles.

Mr Poe turned off the car engine and motioned for the siblings to follow him. He stopped in front of a bronze, grand door. Before pressing the bell, Mr Poe reached into his jacket and pulled out a bright red and white bag.

"Here children. This bag has some lemon tarts in it for you two. They used to be my fourth favourite treat as a child." He said.

Mr Poe, not being one to notice anything, had not remembered that the Clarkes had a severe allergy to lemons. Audrey acknowledged that in annoyance, but then remembered that Mr Poe's heart was in the right place, even if he was to shallowed minded.

"Thank you, Mr Poe." Audrey said, graciously accepting the bag.

Mr Poe rung the doorbell, and immediately, the door swung open to a middle-aged man holding multiple plates of a cake covered in white frosting.

"Hello, hello, hello, Clarkes! How pleased I am to meet you." The man said with joy. "My name is Montgomery Montgomery."

"Hello, sir. How do you do?" Audrey asked politely.

"Oh, children please forget all this nonsense formality. Call me Monty. During your stay here, we will have lots of fun. Extreme formality will do you no good." Dr Montgomery reassured them.

He invited them inside.

(We're not gonna do this extra dialogue im to lazy)


Audrey's POV:

"Monty seems like a great person." I said to Eddie. 

We were sitting in our new bedroom and I was looking around at the view through the window.

"Yeah. I guess." Eddie replied.

"Eddie. You've been silent this whole time. What's going on?" I asked. I was worried now.

"You mean besides our parent perishing in a fire that destroyed our home? Yeah, then I dunno what's going on!" Eddie yelled. He looked like he was close to tears.

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