Chapter One: Humanized!

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Astro stared at the E112 device in his hand, feeling a mix of curiosity and nostalgia. He remembered the day when his mother, Celeste, had first introduced it to the world. It was supposed to be her crowning achievement, the ultimate gadget that could do anything. But it had turned out to be a disaster.

He closed his eyes and let the memory wash over him.


"Welcome, esteemed judges, to the final round of the Gadgeteer Challenge!" The announcer's voice boomed over the speakers. "Today, we have four finalists who will present their most innovative and impressive inventions to you. The winner will receive a lucrative contract with the famous gadget store, Gizmo Galax, and a chance to showcase their products to the entire galaxy!"

The crowd cheered as the announcer continued. "Our first finalist is Celeste, a brilliant and talented gadgeteer from Planet Z. She runs a small but successful gadget shop in her hometown, and she has brought her son, Astro, as her supporter. Let's give them a warm welcome!"

Celeste and Astro walked onto the stage, smiling and waving at the audience. Celeste was a tall and slender alien with lime green skin, Dark green hair, and six eyes. Astro was a smaller version of her, with the same features only he had four eyes. They wore matching silver jumpsuits and carried a large metal suitcase.

"Hello, everyone!" Celeste said into the microphone. "I'm so excited to be here and to share with you my latest and greatest invention. It's something that has never been done before, and I'm sure you'll be amazed by it. It's called the E112, and it can do anything!"

The crowd gasped as Celeste opened the suitcase and revealed a sleek black device that looked like a remote control. It had a large screen, a few buttons, and a microphone.

"This is the E112, the ultimate gadget. It can transform, create, manipulate, and control anything you can imagine. It can scan any object, creature, or environment and replicate it perfectly. It can also alter any aspect of them, such as shape, size, color, or function. It can even generate new things from scratch, using its advanced artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. It's like having a magic wand, but better!"

Celeste pressed a button on the E112 and pointed it at a nearby table. The device emitted a blue beam and scanned the table. Then, it displayed a 3D hologram of the table on its screen.

"See? It can copy anything with perfect accuracy. But that's not all. Watch this." Celeste pressed another button and spoke into the microphone. "Change the table into a chair."

The device beeped and flashed. The hologram of the table morphed into a hologram of a chair.

"Wow!" The crowd exclaimed.

"Isn't it amazing? The E112 can change anything into anything else, as long as it's physically possible. And it can do it with just a voice command. But wait, there's more. Let me show you something even more incredible."

Celeste turned to her business partner, Marshall, who was waiting backstage. He was a short and chubby alien with yellow skin, red hair, and six arms. He wore a yellow jumpsuit and a nervous expression.

"Marshall, come here, please. I need your help for the next demonstration."

Marshall hesitated, but then walked onto the stage. He joined Celeste and Astro and smiled awkwardly at the judges.

"Hello, Marshall. Thank you for being here. You're a good friend and a great partner." Celeste said.

"Thank you, Celeste. You're too kind." Marshall said.

Earth To AstroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz