Chapter four: The Havocs

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Rev had a clear mission: to help Rick. But how could she explain it to her friends? They would laugh at her for believing something so absurd. A magical laser gun? That was a joke. Even Rev had doubts when Rick told her. But she felt a strange sympathy for the man. He was wounded, despised, isolated. Maybe he just needed someone who would have faith in him.

Rev only cared about the money at first, but now she was confused. Maybe she had a heart after all. She was always labeled as heartless and rebellious. But she was human too.

Rev tossed and turned in her bed, restless and uneasy. She felt her emotions swirling in her chest, a mix of fear, excitement, and curiosity. She flipped over to gaze at the window. The sun was fading, and the moon was rising. The moon was her only companion, a silent witness to her lonely existence. Her life was a dull routine that never changed. She had to endure her dad's anger, school's boredom, and The Havocs' aimlessness. She often lay on the grass and dreamed of a different world, a world where she mattered, where she had a purpose. And she had glimpsed that world with the job she was offered by this mysterious man.

She smiled. Something was different.

As the sun disappeared and the stars twinkled, she felt a surge of nostalgia. The stars brought back happy memories of her family, memories that were fading with time. A tear escaped her eye, a sign of her longing. She shifted her thoughts to her friends, the ones who stuck by her side. She loved them with all her heart. They were the only family she had left.

Rev sighed as she realized she had left her friends hanging. She had promised to meet them at the Abduction, the coolest spot in town for space lovers. The restaurant was decorated with checkered patterns and neon lights, and served cosmic-themed dishes like asteroid burgers and comet shakes. Rev had been looking forward to it all week, but she had gotten distracted by something else.

She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was 8:00. She still had time to make it, if she hurried. She jumped out of bed and grabbed her jean jacket and favorite red beanie. She didn't bother to change her clothes. She liked her messy look.

She ran down the stairs, hoping to avoid her dad. He was probably passed out on the couch, surrounded by empty beer cans and cigarette butts. He didn't care about her, and she didn't care about him. She hated living with him, but she had no choice. 

She reached the front door and opened it quietly. She was about to step outside, when she heard a voice behind her.

"Where do you think you're going?" It was her dad. He had woken up and was standing in the living room, looking angry and disheveled.

She spun around and confronted him, feeling a mix of rage and terror. She expected him to scream at her, or hit her. He never treated her kindly when he was wasted.

"I'm going out with my friends," she said, trying to sound calm and confident.

"Friends? What friends? You mean those punks you hang out with? The Havocs?" He spat out the name with contempt. "They're nothing but trouble. Your mom would have wanted you stay away from them."

Rev clenched her fists. She hated when he talked about her friends like that, especially bringing her mother into it. The Havocs were the only people who understood her, who cared about her. They were her family.

They were always a gang of four misfits. Gumwad, the jokester of the group, who always had a witty remark and a chewing gum in her mouth. Nugget, the shortest and kindest one, was always cautious and worried about the consequences of their actions. Big M, the toughest and strongest one, who could intimidate anyone with his size and his glare. then there was Rev, the leader and the brains of the group, who came up with the most daring and creative plans.

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