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At Beacon Academy, Jaune Arc, the team leader of Team JNPR is patroling through the grounds, as Ozpin told him that there's been some strange activity going on. So he's been sent there to check it out. Jaune looks around the place, but doesn't see anything yet. This is really strange. Ozpin said there was strange activity, but it looks clear. He scatches his head, and looks confused. 

Jaune: This is weird. Ozpin said there's been strange activity going on out here for the past couple of weeks. But it looks alright out here. I'll just do one more check, and head back.

He walks some more as he looks around. He keeps his sword and shield ready, just in case if this strange activity turns out to be Grimm activity. But as he walks, he suddenly sees something ahead. He looks, and sees it's a light. 

Jaune: Huh? What is that?

Jaune walks to the light, but carefully and slowly. He doesn't know what it is, and it could be a trick. He keeps his eyes open and ahead for the light. As he walks to it, his friends are also coming to see how he's doing. They spot him going to the light. 

Pyrrha: There he is. Jaune!

Jaune turns around, and smiles as he sees his friends and crush. But as he has his back turned, the light suddenly turns into something. Jaune then feels the wind blowing. He looks around, and then all of a sudden, he's being sucked into something. He drops his sword and shield as he gets pulled back. He yells as he gets pulled back by something. He reaches out for something to grab onto. He grabs a rock, and holds onto it. His friends see this. 

Pyrrha: Jaune! 

They all rush to help him. He continues holding on. As the teams get closer, they begin to get caught in the wind too. They stop, and back away a bit as they look for ways to get Jaune. 

Ruby: Jaune, hang on! Don't let go!

Jaune: Why on world would I let go?! Help me, guys!

Ren: We're coming! Just hold on! 

Pyrrha and Ruby get on the ground, and crawl to him. Jaune sees them, and continues to hold on. But the wind starts sucking him in hard. He grunts painfully as he holds onto the rock. His eyes widen as he sees his hands are slipping. 

Jaune: Guys! Guys, I'm slipping! I can't hold on! 

Yang: Hang on, vomit boy! Ruby and Pyrrha are getting closer! 

Jaune groans as his fingers are hurting from trying to hold on. 

Jaune: Jeez! I'm losing my grip! 

Ruby: Almost there, Jaune! Just hold on! 

Jaune yells in fear as he's about to let go. He looks at Pyrrha, who sees this.

Pyrrha: No!

Jaune: Pyrrha, I've always lo--

Jaune's hands slips off, and he flies at the light, screaming. 

All: JAUNE!!!

Jaune continues screaming as he disappears into the light as he flies in it. His screaming fades as the light disappears. 

Pyrrha: (Sheds tears) NO!!!

Both teams couldn't believe it. Their friend, Jaune Arc has disappears, presumed to be killed by mysterious light. But little do they know, the light didn't kill him. It took him somewhere else. With Jaune, he's shooting through a tunnel of light while screaming. He's going through it like it's taking him somewhere. What felt like hours, he reached the end, and he shoots out of the tunnel. He yells as he flies down towards a corn field. He lands in the cornfield, and hits his head on a rock. He lays down on the field, out cold. As he lays down on the ground, someone comes running at him. The person looks at Jaune, and checks him. The person is a male farmer. 

Male farmer: Ann! You'd better get some water out here! We got a hurt boy out here! 

The farmer looks at Jaune, who is still out. Where has he end up at? Much later, he finally wakes up. He sees that he's on a bed. He sits up, and groans. He sees there's a towel wrap around his head. He rubs his head, seeing that it's hurting. He looks around, and sees he's in a bedroom. 

Jaune: Huh? Where am I?

Just then, the door to the bedroom opens. He looks, and sees a farm woman coming in. She sees that he's awake. 

Farm woman: Oh. Hello. Thank heavens you're awake. How's your head?

Jaune: Uh, still hurts, but I'm fine. Where am I?

Farm woman: You're in our home, the Estacado Farm. My name is Ann. My husband's name is Mike. What's your name?

Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. I'm from...

Just then, Jaune stops. His feelings are telling him not to tell her where he's from, because he thinks she won't believe him. He trusts his feelings, and looks at her.

Jaune: I--I can't remember. I don't know why. 

Ann: You probably took a bad hit to the head. My husband found you outside, in the field. You hit your head on a rock. 

Jaune: How long was I out?

Ann: For six hours. Where are your parents?

Jaune: I lost my family a long time ago. I had friends who I lived with for years. I was with them, but suddenly, I got thrown by someone. I don't know who it was. 

Ann: Oh, gosh. Who would do that to a young boy? How old are you?

Jaune: 17. 

Ann: 17. I don't believe it. Who would do this?

Jaune: I don't know. Like I said, I can't remember. 

Ann: Wait. I'll go tell my husband, ok?

Jaune: Ok.

She leaves to go talk to her husband as Jaune sits on the bed. He looks out the window, and sees it's a little late. He sighs, and lays his head down. Downstairs, Ann is talking to her husband, Mike. 

Mike: Someone threw him, and left him?

Ann: Yeah. That's what he told me. I just can't believe somone would leave a 17 year old boy behind. 

Mike: What do we do?

Ann: (Looks at him) Dear, for many years, we've prayed to the lord to bless us with a child. Maybe he has answered our prayer. He wants us to take care of this boy.

Mike looks at her, and thinks. They have been praying to the lord to give them a child for years. But so far, no such luck has been happening for them. He looks at her, and smiles. He nods, making her smile widely. They both go see Jaune. He looks up, and looks at them.

Mike: Hello, Jaune. I'm Mike. My wife and I thought of something. Would you like to live with us?

Jaune looks at them, and thinks. He knows he has nowhere else to go, and he still doesn't know where he's at. He thinks for a few moments, and looks at the married couple. He smiles a little, and nods at them. Ann smiles, and claps. From this day forth, he's Jaune Arc-Estacado. He will learn how to get use to this world until he can find a way back to his world. 

Here's the prologue of Arc in WW2. A new story for Jaune Arc. He'll be in WW2, based on the world war 2 Call of Duty series. Finest Hour, Big Red One, Call of Duty 3, and WW2. Let me know what you all think of the story. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.        

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