Not Getting Along

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"Whoa. Omi dog what are you doing?" Jermaine asks as the group is working out with him and sees Omi jump in doing kicks and hits at a face pace.

"You appear to be having trouble with your shadow. So I am assisting you." Omi says as he smiles.

"Uh is anything wrong man? You've kinda been bugging ever since I got here." Jermaine asks.

"No I am not bugging! I am just so happy for you." Omi says as Alexis looks at him and shakes her head.

"News flash kids! It's a bonafide wu sighting. It's the Manchurian Musca! Whoever possesses it has the power to turn into a teeny tiny fly. But I got to warn you. It comes with a craving for sugar." Dojo says as he comes over with a scroll.

"Why would anyone want to turn into a fly?" Kimiko asks.

"Yeah I agree. Not the most exciting wu we've had lately." Alexis says.

"It's to snoop. You know? A fly on the wall?" Raimundo asks.

"Yeah. I guess that would be handy to an extent. Least until someone comes at you with a newspaper." Alexis says.

"If we hurry we can beat rush hour traffic." Dojo says as he grows in size.

"Perhaps Jermaine would like to join us and watch me defeat evil." Omi says.

"Cool. You sure it's okay?" Jermaine asks.

"Oh yes. It would give you the chance to learn by watching the very best Dragon training." Omi says.

"I do that every morning. When I exercise in front of the mirror." Jermaine says as he smiles at Alexis causing her to blush and smile as he jumps into Dojo's back as the others except Omi climb on.

"Come on Omi." Alexis says as Omi grumbles and gets on Dojo.


"Uh-oh. Don't look now but we got competition already." Alexis says as the group lands seeing Jack and Tubby with a small dog

"Jack Spicer! If you think you can intimidate warriors with that beast you are sadly mistaken." Omi says as the group gets off Dojo.

"Who? Muffin face? She belongs to Tubby. I have to walk her twice a month." Jack says annoyedly.

"Twice a day you are to clean my place. This is the list of other things I want." Tubby says as he holds up a list.

"This is not the time nor the place to negotiate our deal. Now get to work!" Jack says.

"Mantis Flip Coin!" Tubby says as he flips a coin and flies into the air before he lands on Alexis, Kimiko, Clay and Raimundo.

"Get off us!" Alexis shouts as she struggles to get lose with no luck.

"No good. We're stuck at the minute." Raimundo says as the group looks at Jermaine and Omi.

"I will now demonstrate how a Xiaolin Warrior gets to the Shen Gong Wu first!" Omi shouts.

"I got your back kid!" Jermaine says as he and Omi begin competing with Jack for the first Manchurian Musca.

"Raimundo can you knock Jack off his balance? I can see if I can free us." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and tries to wiggle loose.

"Sword of the Storm." Raimundo says as he uses his sword to throw Jack off balance.

"I don't think that's gonna work little lady. We're stuck good." Clay says as he looks at Alexis.

"I got an idea. But I'm not gonna like it." Alexis says before she turns to Tubby's leg and bites him hard.

"Ouch! Ow! Ow!" Tubby shouts as he quickly jumps off the group as Alexis let's go before the group quickly gets away from him.

"Nice job Alexis. Unorthodox but it worked." Kimiko says.

"Don't remind me. Yuck. Someone needs bath." Alexis says as she makes a face in disgust before the group sees Omi knock Jermaine away from the Wu by accident with his Orb of Torpedo causing Jack to grab the Manchurian Musca.

"Yes! Score one for the bad guys!" Jack says as he and Tubby leave.

"Yo Omi you must be trippin!" Jermaine says.

"I am not taking a trip!" Omi shouts.

"You hot dogging it just cost us the Wu!" Jermaine shouts as he and Omi fight.

"Are you saying it's my fault!?" Omi asks angrily.

"I'm saying some poser may need a refresher course on how to be a Xiaolin Warrior!" Jermaine shouts as he and Omi continue to fight.

"Uh should we stop them?" Alexis asks.

"Better do something if we don't want this to continue." Clay says.


Later as the group is eating they watch uncomfortablely as Omi and Jermaine compete while eating.

"Boys and girls let me tell you a story about these two Xiaolin buddies. Always seen together like peas and carrots." Dojo says as he comes over.

"Is this story gonna be long or short?" Raimundo asks.

"It'll be as long as it takes!" Dojo shouts angrily.

"Long." Clay, Alexis, Kimiko and Raimundo says as Alexis sighs and stands up.

"Yeah. I'm not gonna sit and watch this." Alexis says before she leaves.


"Hey Jermaine." Alexis says as she finds Jermaine outside.

"Hey Alexis. What's up?" Jermaine asks.

"I just wanted to talk." Alexis says.

"Let me guess. About Omi?" Jermaine asks as Alexis nods.

"Yes. I think you two need to talk things out." Alexis says.

"What's there to talk about? Dome boy clearly doesn't want to be happy for me." Jermaine says angrily.

"Jermaine I do believe Omi is happy for you. He just doesn't know how to express it because he's jealous." Alexis says.

"And him being jealous is my fault how? You know I figured you'd be on my side. Instead you're trying to defend Omi." Jermaine says angrily as he glares at Alexis.

"Jermaine that's not-" Alexis then gets cut off Jermaine.

"Forget it. If you wanna side with him fine." Jermaine says angrily as he walks off.

"Okay that is it. Time to do things the hard way." Alexis says as she goes to find Master Fung.

Fighting Side By Side Xiaolin Showdown Jermaine X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now