The Truth

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"Look! It is the golden finger!" Omi shouts as the group is riding on Dojo and sees the Wu before Chase Young appears.

"Yeah and look who else is here!" Alexis says as Chase scares Dojo sending him and the group crashing into some stone pillars. As the group gets out of the rubble they see Jermaine going for the Wu before Omi goes after it as well.

"Step off Omi! This Shen Gong Wu is mine!" Jermaine says as he sees Omi.

"Jermaine you have been being used by Chase Young. He is on the side of evil." Omi says.

"Say what!?" Jermaine asks in disbelief.

"Omi is right!" Kimiko says.

"Chas Young is using you." Raimundo says.

"We wouldn't steer you wrong partner." Clay says.

"Please believe us." Alexis says.

"You'd say anything to help dome boy." Jermaine says.

"That's right Jermaine. Block out their words. You know what you must do. Going somewhere young monks?" Chase asks as he begins fighting with Alexis, Clay, Kimiko and Raimundo to keep them from interfering with Omi and Jermaine and eventually traps them under some pillars. The group then sees as Omi, Jermaine, Tubby and Jack get to the Wu and touch it at the same time before Omi challenges them all to a showdown as they all begin the showdown.

"Finally we're free." Alexis says as the pillars are lifted off the group as the showdown area appears.

"Yeah but this isn't over yet." Raimundo says before the group falls down as the ground crumbles beneath them only to get pinned by more rumble.

"Oh come on! Not again!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"Let the games begin!" Dojo shouts as Omi, Jermaine, Tubby and Jack begin competing for the Golden Finger with Jack and Tubby both soon being taken out by the obstacles.

"It's just Omi and Jermaine now." Kimiko says.

"Jermaine you must stop! If you win Chase Young will control you. There will be no going back." Omi says.

"Omi just stop messing with my head and just fight man!" Jermaine says as he begins fighting Omi.

"Chase wants us to fight! This was his plan all along. What is more evil than turning two friends against each other?" Omi asks.

"I think you did that. Why couldn't you have just been happy for me?" Jermaine asks.

"I was! I was just not happy for me. I may have been a little jealous." Omi says as he pulls his mask down.

"Oh you think? So why should I trust you now?" Jermaine asks as he raises his weapon at Omi.

"Because you are my friend." Omi says as he drops his weapons.

"Go ahead! Defeat the young monk and receive your reward." Chase says as he and Wuya are nearby as Jermaine looks at him before at Omi.

"You're not playing with me are you?" Jermaine asks.

"No but I will if you want me to." Omi says as he smiles.

"Oh man. I really have been on the side of evil." Jermaine says as he drops his weapons and shakes hands with Omi ending the showdown as the group runs over to them as the arena disappears.

"No! You just can't quit!" Wuya shouts angrily.

"I think they just did." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I reckon we got ourselves a Showdown draw." Clay says.

"No winner? What a rip off! You wouldn't see this in the old days. Oh. Sorry." Dojo says as he comes over and sees the group glaring annoyedly at him before he sees the Golden Finger under a rock and grabs it and smiles.

"It appears you have once again underestimated the forces of good!" Omi says as he and Jermaine look at Chase.

"What makes you think things didn't turn out exactly as I planned?" Chase asks.

"Because you lost?" Omi asks confusedly.

"No Omi. You won. You were the one I was testing and you passed exactly as I expected." Chase says.

"Man. That guy is wiggin out." Jermaine says.

"As you say it is time to booger on out of here." Omi says.

"I sure hope you mean boogie." Jermaine says.


"I wish you would stay. Master Fung thinks you would make an excellent Xiaolin monk as do Alexis and I." Omi says as he and Alexis are walking with Jermaine as he prepares to leave.

"Yeah. You definitely got the skills for it." Alexis says.

"Thanks you two. But I got some thinking to do first. I may take you up on that offer though." Jermaine says as Dojo flies over.

"Open seating on the Dojo express." Dojo says.

"Perhaps when you return you can teach me some of your moves." Omi says.

"Teach you moves? Alexis you heard that too right?" Jermaine asks in surprise.

"Yeah I thought I was hearing things too." Alexis says as Jermaine puts his hand on Omi's forehead.

"You don't seem to be running a fever." Jermaine says as he pulls his hand back.

"Of course I will repay you many times over by teaching you far more valuable moves." Omi says as he smiles.

"Now there's the Omi dog I've grown to know and love." Jermaine says as he leaves on Dojo as Alexis and Omi wave him goodbye.

"Yes. I believe we all have." Omi says.

"Do you really think he'll come back one day?" Alexis asks.

"I believe we will see our friend again one day. Though when he returns I wouldn't tell him about the deal with Spicer. I don't think he'll like that." Omi says as Alexis groans annoyedly.

"Ugh. Don't remind me about that." Alexis says as she and Omi walk off.

Fighting Side By Side Xiaolin Showdown Jermaine X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now