Chapter 1

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I took a deep drag of my cigarette as I listened to my husband fuck one of his whores on our marital bed.

I haven't slept in that room ever since I lost my baby and that piece of shit didn't care. Why would he? He stopped caring a long time ago. Just like everyone that mattered to me.

My husband changed after we got married.

He was sweet at first. Our first year of marriage was like heaven on earth. The many kisses and I love yous we said to each other. I had everything I ever wanted. Someone who loved me and a beautiful home where I plan on starting a family with my loving husband.

When he started earning good money working at his friends company, he stopped showing me any attention. All of the sudden, he wanted to party with his friends and splurge on expensive things to feel like he was one of those cocky rich men he mingled with.
He started working late and regarded me with disinterest when he came home. It was like I was a bother to him. I barely saw him anymore.

Whenever I told him to spend more time with me, he would say I wasn't a baby and I should be able to handle being at home as a wife without him.

I found out three  years into our marriage that he was cheating on me. I kind of expected at the beginning but I turned a blind eye because I couldn't handle the truth. One of our mutual friends who worked with him told me.

First, he was discrete but later he didn't find the need to hide it from me because he knew i wasn't going to do anything about it and began bringing them into the house.

My house.

The house I bought with my money before we got married. The place where he continues to disrespect me as he brings all these different women to fuck and I let him.
I didn't want to lose him. I didn't want to lose my marriage. I didn't want to be a failure in saving my marriage. I didn't want be a failure. I was going to do whatever it takes to save my marriage.

I met him in my first year college. He approached me one day when I was sitting on one of the benches on campus.

He said he always took notice of me and he found me interesting. I majored in material science. We didn't take the same classes together as he majored in business law.

He always approached me whenever he saw me on campus. I tried avoiding him at first because I was overwhelmed with attention he gave me when we were together. He was a few years older than me but we were in the same year because he to a gap year working to save up for college and he had a sick grandmother to take care of and She was all he had.

He asked me out on a date and he made sure to go out of his way spend time with me. He was very demanding of my attention and time. He wanted to know everything about me and was constantly checking up on me. He didn't like me talking to other people because he only wants me for himself. I found his possiveness charming. I never found myself worth being possessive of. He made my world revolve around him. Eventually, everything I knew was him.

Before i met him, I was a loner. I always stuck to myself never trying to make friends with other people. Mostly because I was shy and I feared that anyone who got to know me will find me boring and leave me. I have always had a low self esteem ever since I was young. It was really hard for me socialise and make eye contact with people.

He was the first male who showed interest in me and he was very open about it. I fell for his sweet words and the little things he did for me. He made me feel cherished and that I was the apple of his eyes.

Just like I was for my mom.

He became my friend, my confidant, the should I cried on. He was my person.

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