Chapter 5

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I stood in front of the full size mirror in my room in my lingerie. As I took my time looking at my body. I look different now. I look healthy and happy almost. I'll  get there.

As I stare at my reflection I feel like a powerful and confident woman. I intend to keep it that way.

My untamed curls reaches past my shoulders now. It could have been longer but I trim it sometimes. I have gained weight . Not too much though. I don't normally gain much weight no matter how much I eat. My breast size is still the same since I was 17. Its not a lot but its something. I'm an A cup and a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee. My stretch marks are doing they're own thing. Making their unique patterns all over my hips, thighs and calves. My hip dips are more prominent now and I've learnt to embrace it. My slightly slim waste makes it seem like my hips are wider than it is giving me some sort of pear shaped figure. The lower part of my body filled gracefully which sometimes I feel it is to make up for my small tits. But either way I'm comfortable with my body.

I waxed my eyebrows for the first time in my life. Normally, I never cared for my eyebrows but I thought why not and it looked good. It's amazing how the things can make a difference sometimes.   My lip don't look chapped like I lived in a desert. Though, I hate the feeling of lip gloss on my lips but I always make sure to hydrate them. My bronze brown skin looks radiant as ever.  I have honey brown eyes unlike my mothers dark brown eyes. I had my mothers full lips, eyes, nose and that prominent forehead of hers. My mother always was annoyed and keeps her cool when people asked her if her nose was really hers.
It's quite stupid that African can't have a pointy and slim nose naturally.

The only thing I inherited from my father is his high cheek bones. Other than that, I'm a genetic duplicate of my mother.

The doorbell rung and accompanied with some fists pounding on my door

Is it bad if I just ignored her and pretend not to be at home?

"Nyayiena! Open up I know you're in there. Don't make me break this door."

I counted till sixty and added another twenty hoping she'll leave. I know I'm being very shitty right now. I can't even justify it.

Feeling bad I begrudgingly walked to the  door and rubbed my eyes making myself appear like I just woke up as I opened the door.

"Save it sweetcheeks." She brushed past me not even bothering to look at me.

Well I tried.

She had her hands full with the unnecessary amount of stuff she brought.

"Nuh uh. The rest are in my car be a sweetie and take them for me."

I grumbled to myself as I took her car keys.

"I know. I love you too." She waved me off.

Lin did my hair and make up after I got out of the shower and I was more than pleased with the result. She made my makeup like and simple and tied half of my hair up with some of my hair framing my face.

I stood in my underwear and she took out the dress she made for me.

"Tada! Isn't it beautiful?" She placed my dress in front of me as she beamed at her work.

It was a simple black dress. Normally her clothes are more extra but I told her to keep it simple much to her dismay. The dress fit me well and it was so comfortable despite how it looked.

"I love it Lin. Thank you." I hugged her.

"I could've used some glitter or something out of the ordinary to be like 'Boom! I'm here bitch look at me!' But you'll look edible in that dress." She rambled into my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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