chapter 4

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I decided to get into real estate and become an agent. I gave it alot of thought before taking this decision. Part of me felt like it's a waste not to use my degree in material science to get a job but it I didn't feel like that's what I wanted to do. And I don't regret my decision. I'm very happy with my job and it is very rewarding.

I have been working at König Palace for one and a half years now. It is one of the biggest real estate companies in the world and I still can't believe how lucky I am to get a job here. My work hours are quite flexible which I am thankful for. It gives me alot of time to do my own  thing whenever I want to.

I started therapy three months after I came back. And it has been very helpful. My therapist Anne is a wonderful person. It wasn't easy at first but with her help I'm able to move on and live life with a better mindset and a lighter chest. I had to go back and reopen my scars one by one and heal them. Some scars I didn't even know I had. But I know my healing process depends on how far do I want to let myself heal. It's starts with me and ends with me. It all depends on me.

I learnt to love me more. To not be hard on my body and treat it well. My body is mine and I have to take care of it. Because through all the shit. I had no one but myself. My body stuck with me. I owe it to her. I am not going to let anyone feel bad about my appearance. If someone doesn't like it, it's not my business. I don't need no ones opinion on my body. I am perfect in my own way. Period.

I have made it a priority to pamper myself. Whether it's from soaking myself in a hot tub for hours with  expensive but heavenly scented liquids or buying pieces of fabric all in the name of lingerie that makes me feel like a powerful and dangerous woman. No words can explain how good lingerie makes me feel. I feel like I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I can buy whatever I want and I can do anything I want when I want to.

To me, I'm living the dream.

I have been in regular contact with my family back in Côte d'Ivoire. Auntie makes sure to check up on me every week and have been talking to my cousins more often. Keji made plans to come visit me after she graduates which i don't mind. But i know for sure the whole family will bring themselves here. But luckily I can easily rent a house for us to stay in since my apartment will not be able to occupy that much people. I know they wouldn't mind but I do.


I woke up at exactly 8 o'clock and did my daily routine which consisted of eating breakfast and taking my daily shit among others. You know, the normal stuff. I had a lot of time to get ready since I'm meeting a client at 11 and have to be in the office 30 minutes before.

I made myself some toast with fried eggs and bacon. I poured myself some orange juice a long with it. I'm not a fan of drinking stuff in the morning. It does stuff to my tummy. I don't even know why.

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