Chapter 1: Getting Settled; Crew meets crew

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"Suguru! Up up!" Nanako said excitedly as she walked up to him.

Suguru decided to get some bonding time in with the girls and took them to a playground nearby. While Mimiko was carefully trying to climb up the playground structure and content with playing alone for now, Nanako was eager to involve Suguru in playing.

Suguru wasn't going to lie to himself. He felt the eyes of the other parents on him. He felt them questioning how old he was, even if none of them had the guts to ask. He felt the judgment of the other parents for being a teen parent, which kind of left him feeling like he did something wrong.

Like, normally teen parents feel this way because they're ashamed of having unprotected sex this young, but that obviously wasn't the case for Suguru. However, "I adopted these kids after I found them abused in some cellar because the people around them deemed them cursed." Wasn't exactly something he could say to others.

He'd rather that parents assumed he had game than think he kidnapped kids. Seemed like an easier explanation.

"Suguru-sama, up up please" Nanako asked excitedly

Nanako definitely is the more social of the two girls. Mimiko tends to follow her lead but is also fine on her own. They work quite well together, which is cute to see.

"Alright Nanako, hold on tight though." Suguru said as he hunched down so Nanako could throw her legs on Suguru's shoulders, Suguru holding her legs with his hands.

"Wow, so tall!" Nanako said with a lot of excitement, catching the attention of Mimiko, who was watching from a distance.

"Run run!" Nanako squealed in excitement.

Suguru had to admit it's hard to make out what the girls say sometimes since their voices get so high when they are excited.

"Alright Nanako, make sure you don't let go of me." Suguru said as he jogged two laps around the playground. The playground wasn't too big, so he could keep an eye on Mimiko while doing so.

"Attention all passengers, we are expecting some turbulence so hold on tight." Suguru said as he started shaking, making Nanako shake too, which made her excited.

"Mayday mayday, we are crashing. I repeat, we are crashing!" He said as he suddenly got down on his knees and bowed forward, making sure to hold up Mimiko from under her so she wouldn't flip off his back.

"Oh no, what now?" Nanako giggled.

"I'm afraid all passengers will need to get off the plane immediately, put on your parachute and prepare to jump!" Suguru said as he stood back up and put his hands on Nanako's sides to lift her up.

"Time to jump!" He said as he lifted her up and brought her down, only slowing her fall at the end so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Again again!" Nanako said, jumping up and down with the biggest smile on her face.

"Now now, calm down, I think there is another passenger wanting to ride too." Suguru said as he looked at Mimiko, who had sat down and was watching the two of them play.

"Mimi wanna do plane rides too?" Nanako asked Mimiko. She referred to her sister as "Mimi" while Mimiko called her "Nana." It was quite cute. Suguru had caught himself on occasions wanting to use those pet names too, but for now, he wanted to make sure he didn't intrude on them too much.

It had been about a month since Gojo and Shoko had come around to give him the gift basket. He hadn't seen Shoko much since then but Gojo made sure to visit at least every week, which Suguru appreciated. Gojo strangely seemed rather okay with the girls now, even interacting with them sometimes. Seeing his best friend and the girls interact made him feel happy.

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