Chapter 1: Getting Settled; First day of school (pt.2)

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"Megumi?" Nanako asked. Surprised to see a familiar face. Suguru-sama had just brought the two girls to their first day of primary school. On the way there, he said that the two of them most likely wouldn't know anyone but to be nice to everyone. This made seeing Megumi there all the more confusing.

"Hmm? Oh, you're the two girls from the park." Megumi said emotionlessly, staring outside the window.

"What are you doing here? Suguru-sama said we didn't know anyone from here." Nanako asked confused.

"I was supposed to be put in Jujutsu Elementry, but Gojo took me here instead." Megumi sighed as he went on to explain further.

"Gojo said he didn't want me to do Jujutsu because he wanted me to be a kid for longer."

"What's Jujutsu?" Nanako asked, confused.

"What do you mean? You know right? You have cursed energy. You are a sorcerer." Megumi finally turned around to face the girls, who looked confused.

"Sorcerer?" Mimiko said quietly.

"It's people who possess cursed energy and can use it in certain ways. How do you not know? Did he never tell you?"

"No?" Nanako said confused.

"Have you ever seen monsters around? Big goo-like monsters."

"Yeah..." They both said in unison.

"Those are curses. If you can see them, you're a sorcerer." Megumi explained.

"We get an outside break during lunch. Follow me to the back of the schoolyard. I want to show you something."

The lunch came sooner rather than later, and before they knew it, Megumi, Mimiko and Nanako had all three gathered up at the edge of the yard.

"Okay please stay back okay?" Megumi said as he got ready to summon his white divine dog.

The girls could not believe their eyes. A dog had just appeared out of thin air. It looked almost like a wolf but it was fluffy.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Nanako exclaimed excitedly.

"Can I pet him?" Nanako asked.

"I suppose, he's friendly until I tell him not to be. This is a dog made out of cursed energy. He's real, but only sorcerers can see him. I can make him appear anywhere I want."

"Can I do that too!" Nanako said, being super excited about the potential of creating her own animal friend.

"Probably not." Megumi said and both girls looked crushed at the prospects of their own summonable furry friends fading away.

"Everyone has different powers. You probably have some other power. You should ask the man with the long black hair to teach you how to do it."

"How do I know what power I have, how do I use it?" Nanako asked excitedly.

The twins had recently gotten into some superhero stuff. Nothing age-appropriate, just the average black-and-white villain-hero archetype shows like Lazytown. The news that they potentially had special powers fed the fruit of them wanting to become superheroes.

Well, for Nanako anyway. Mimiko was fine being an apprentice to her sister, the big hero.

"You can feel your power flowing through you like blood if you focus. However, using the power is like moving a muscle. You need to know which muscle to move before you try to move it. That's how Gojo-sensei explained it to me."

"Gojo, sensei?" The girls asked, confused.

"You've seen him before. He's the white-haired man. The loud one."

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