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"Thank you for letting me stay, I would not have been able to make it home." I nodded at Leo who was throwing on his boots.

"Always.." I trailed while sipping on my mug of tea. Leo looked up at me from his seat.

"Are you alright?" I swallowed with another nod.

"Obviously. Why wouldn't I be?" I turned to grab a piece of toast.

"You're just off." He countered and I sighed.

"When will you and Rick get over my attitude. It means nothing. It's just how I am. You would think after 30 something years, you would get that." Leo held his hands up as he stood. I shook my head. "Don't do that. Do not get defensive like I said something that was stand offish. I'm just really tired of always having to give everyone a reminder that I am fine." I was tired of this conversation already. He could tell.

"Alright... I'm sorry. You know I just want to help."

"You always help. You never stop helping...." I mumbled and he cleared his throat hands going in his pockets.

"Would you like me to stop?" I shook my head tossing my plate in the sink.

"No. I'm not.... Leo. I appreciate your help. I always have and I will always. Just stop asking if I'm ok. I am 100 percent fine. I promise." I bit back a wince. He stared at me for a long moment. His mouth went to speak but a ringtone sounded. Turning away, he answered.

"Yes.... I am, I'm on my way.... Okay... yes..... I love you." He was talking to Gryffin. I could hear him pulling his coat on and his keys shaking. The 'I love you' was followed by a low beep as he hung up. Turning back I gave him a tiny smile. Hopefully he will leave without more questions. "Well the hubs just asked me to grab shit on the way home. I'm gonna see you on Saturday, right?"

"Yes for the birthday party."

"Right. Okay I'll catch'ya then. Let me know if you need anything." I nodded at his words as he left the house. The loud thud of the door following in the now thick silence. Taking a deep breath I listened for the start of his motor bike. Once it trailed into the distance, I turned and headed for my office.

My home wasn't spectacular, the roof was old and bit leaked in the bathroom. The floor in the corner of the living room was warped. There was mildew smell in the guest bedroom and the front yard was really overgrown. It was clean. No bugs or roaches and it was well kept. Anyone who came over commented on its cuteness, but people like Leo. Gryffin. They knew the bits that were wrong. I also was falling far in the bills, but the house was a home and it is mine. Everyone always tried to buy me something more or help me with bills and mortgage payments but I would not allow that. This was my house. I would take care of the shit that happened to it. By myself.

Stepping into my office, I began my search for a new job.


The week passed uneventfully. By Thursday I had no luck on the jobs. Each one was ignored. Every letter of interest, every resume submission. All ignored.

I was sitting on my couch staring at my phone when it pinged.

~New Message~

I debated opening it. I hadn't messaged him since last Saturday. Was it a shitty text. Had he finally decided to tell me off? You won't know until you read it dumb ass... Clicking it, I swallowed.


~8:20 R
Hey.. so I understand that you're probably mad at me because of what Jim did but i just wanna let you know that i still give a shit about ya and what he did was fucked up. I never ment to get you fired and sure as hell wouldn't throw you under the bus or anything. But i get if you're mad. no need for drama and shit, man to man i understand if your not interested in staying in touch.

What Happened to the Boy that Broke?  (What Happened Series #4) *Ongoing!Where stories live. Discover now