How this mess started

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Error was eating a cookie sitting on Epic's couch. "So tell me little bruh, how did this happen?" Said Epic. "Well..." started Error.

Error had started the day normally. Fate and the voices had been screaming at him, he destroyed some AUs, and he was going to help Nightmare and the gang. They had just been out in a AU when the Star Sanses appeared. A battle quickly broke out. Ink battling Error, Nightmare and Cross battling Dream, and Blue fighting the murder time trio. Then Ink started attacking Nightmare. A strange white paint was on his brush. He flung it towards Nightmare, but Error ended up stumbling in the way.

The world spun for Error and suddenly he was a lot smaller. He was now a baby bones, about five. "Wh@t?!" Yelped Error, his voice growing glitchier from the shock. Ink flung red paint at him and he panicked. He opened a portal to a random AU. His magic was now notably weaker. He felt faint from the wounds. "Heya little bruh, you okay?" Asked a voice. Error looked over and saw Epic before passing out.

When Error woke up, he found he was on a couch and Epic was there. Epic offered him some cookies, careful not to touch him having heard of his phobia from Cross. "So tell me little bruh, how did this happen?" Asked Epic. "Well..." started Error and he proceeded to explain. "And then we ended up here and now." He finished. "That is totally nuts, bruh." Said Epic. "I should get going." Said Error. "Nuhuh little bruh, no can do. You said yourself your magic is weaker. You won't be able to defend yourself from Inky-bruh if he finds you." Said Epic. Error stared at Epic, and Epic stared back.

A/N: this was adopted from Firehedgehog idea factory and was called "Child of Epic"

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