Epic New Life

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"You're going to need a new name bruh." Said Epic. "Why?" Asked Error. "Well, having your old name makes it easier for people who hurt you to find you. Also, error isn't a very nice name." Said Epic. "Alright." Said Error and began thinking of a name. "Hey bruh, what about Loki? Cross told me you could be rather mischievous." Said Epic. "I like it." Said Error, or rather Loki. When they reopened the check, it now showed Loki instead of just question marks.

(The name Loki was suggested by BrittanyDale3 )

Epic was a bit nervous to be taking care of Loki. He wasn't sure how to explain him. He sat Loki on the couch to wait for Papyrus to come home and gave him a cookie and an old stuffed bear.

(My art)

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(My art)

Loki nibbled his cookie. He was nervous to meet his new uncle and the other members of Epictale. It was strange to see his hands looking like this. He had changed into a purple and blue striped sweater, gold pants, and he had his scarf. Now only a couple of his scars were left. He felt amazing in comparison to before.

Epic had turned on some cartoons for him. Not as good as Undernovela, but still pretty good. The cookie tasted delicious. He played with the bear some as he watched the cartoons. He wondered if he could make some other toys to play with.

"Brother! I'm home!" Papyrus declared walking in. Them froze when he entered the living room. "Sans, why is there a small skeleton on our couch?" He asked.

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