Grocery Store.

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You finally arrive horn from your long day at school and you sit down on the couch your mom rushes into the room making a huge fuss out of everything.

"Y/N! What are you doing!!! We have company coming over tonight and you are just sitting on your bum not helping!!! Make your self useful and head to the grocery store and get these last things I need to finish the soup!"

She hands you a list with a few items on it and pushed you out the door. You started your car and started off to the grocery store. You got there in a matter of minutes and started looking for the items. 'Milk, cheese, and... Carrots? Well that's a bit odd, but oh well she probably knows what she's doing.' you thought to yourself.

You picked up a basket and started walking to get the items, you grabbed the milk and the cheese and headed off to get the carrots.

You spotted the place where the store was keeping the carrots and started to pick up the last bag. You picked it up and noticed someone else tugging on it. You looked up to see a cute boy in a striped shirt and suspenders. You look down and immediately notice that you two grabbed the same bag at the same time.

"I-I-I..." you tried to stutter out an apology but the boy just smiled and said, "No, no, no! You're fine! I'm sorry. You probably need them more then me."

You just smiled and thanked him and started to turn around.

"WAIT! umm.... Can I see that bag of carrots for just a moment more.....?"

You were a bit confused by this but you handed the bag over to the boy and he turned around for just a bit with the bag and then handed it back.

"I expect to hear from you again." he then turned around and started to walk away. You watched him walk all the way out of the store with him only turning back once to wave and smile at you.

You waved back sheepishly, smiled, and then looked down at the bag he had handed you. He had written something on it. It was a phone number and next to it, it said...

"Louis Tomlinson. Call me."


Well hey there! Hope you enjoyed reading this imagine as much as I liked writing it :)


Love you all! Mwah! Buh bye .......................... For now.

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