Memory Games

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"Come on (y/n)! Pppllleeeaassseee!" Niall said begging you with his best puppy eyes. "Just come with me! I promise it will be worth it!!!"

You stuff your head into your pillow and groan in response.  Niall, your boyfriend, had been pestering you all day yesterday to go with him to go to some surprise place he wanted to go to. You would love to go with him except for the fact that you have to get up this morning quite early when you just wanted to sleep. Suddenly, the blanket fly off of you, making you cold with nothing to hide under. You curl up to your pillow and mumble to give the blankets back under your breath.

"Coooommmmeeee onnnnnnnnn......." Niall begs you again, "We can do this the easy or the hard way." He said with an evil smirk spreading across his face.

You groan yet again and roll over so your not facing him. You can feel him sneakily getting up onto the bed and crawling up to you. Suddenly, you feel his arm wrap around your waist and whisper in your ear, "I guess it will be the hard way then...", he then started to tickle your stomach. You squirm and try to get out of his reach, but with his strong arm wrapped around you, you couldn't move a muscle.

He continued to tickle you until you finally breathed out, " okay....okay....I'll go! I'll go!" Niall jumped up and pecked your cheek and ran out of the room saying "You have a half an hour! Dress nice!"

You sighed and laid back on the bed for a moment catching your breath from that tickle attack you just survived. You sit up slowly and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. You step into the shower and let the hot water hit against your back in hope that it will wake you up, but it was unsuccessful. You turn off the shower and step into your bedroom to get dressed and you look at the clock and 25 minutes have already passed. You look at the clock in shock and bolt into your closet throwing on a the first cute outfit you see, brush your hair, blow dry it, and throw a bow in so that it looks decent, and then you swipe a little bit of mascara over your eyelashes and call it good.

You run down the stairs into an empty room. You walk into the kitchen, empty yet again. You look around the entire house and it's all empty. Where did Niall go? He was just at your house a little bit ago....Suddenly you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, signaling you had gotten a text. You take your phone out of your pocket to see who it's from and it's form Niall.

"Go to the place we first met <3"

You think back to the place where you and Niall had first met. It was at a little café that you used to work for. You start out the door and start to walk to the little café down the street. As you walk you think back to that day, it was your first day and you were extremely nervous, Niall had ordered his drink and when you were walking back to his table to give it to him, your eyes connected with Niall's crystal blue ones and you felt yourself fall, you tripped and the coffee went flying....all over Niall. Niall caught your fall in a blink of an eye and was covered in coffee. You tried to apologize but he laughed it off and said that you could make it up to him by taking you to dinner.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the dinging of the bell when you opened the door to the café. The sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee and recently made pastries filled your nose as you walked through the doorway.

"Y/N!" You see Margie, the owner of the café waving at you from behind the counter. "I've got something for you!!!" You smile and walk over to her and she hands you a little piece of paper.

"Go to the place where we had our first date. <3"

You smile when you look at it and look up at Margie and she looks at you and says, "Well, get going! and Good Luck!!". She pushes you out the door and you start to walk to the restaurant down the street where Niall had taken you on your first date. He had said that he took you there because t was the place his dad had taken his mom on their first date and he that he thought it would be a romantic idea to do the same.

You walk up to the restaurant and notice the hostess holding something out to you. It was yet another little slip of paper. You took the little piece of paper quickly from the hostess excited to see what it said, you were starting to like this little game you and Niall were playing.

"Go to the place where we had our first kiss. <3"

You thought back to your first kiss with Niall, it was outside your house on the little step in front of your door. It had been raining and you had ran through the rain to get to your house and the two of you were laughing because the rain had made Niall's and your hair all wet and Niall made his stand straight up like a Mohawk and you both found it hilarious. You kept laughing and laughing and you didn't even notice Niall had stopped laughing until he had leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was  just a sweet, simple kiss but to you it was perfect.

You walked up to your doorstep and saw a little piece of paper sitting on the step. You picked it up and read it hastily.

"Go to the bench in the park, the one under the biggest tree."

 You looked at the paper confused, you and Niall had never had anything happen there before. But, maybe you were just forgetting something, so you follow the instructions and went to the park. You stood on the sidewalk by the park and looked for the biggest tree. It was in the center of a big field and had little pink flowers al over it, like an apple blossom tree. Underneath the tree, there was a little bench, just like Niall said there would be. You ran over it to see if there was a little piece of paper on the bench. You walked to the bench and saw that there was the smallest paper of all the notes you had gotten so far. You read it over to see what it had said to found out the purpose that Niall had brought you here. But the note was no help to you. What it read was:

"Turn Around."

 You were very confused at this point but did what it said and turned around, the sight that you saw when you followed the instructions was a site that you would never forget. Behind you was Niall. But it wasn't just Niall, it was Niall on one knee with a ring in his hand.  

"(Y/N), since the first time I saw you I knew I liked you. You had spilled coffee all over us and you still looked beautiful. We went on our first date after that and I knew that you were perfect for me, I had realized that I had possibly loved you. Then came our first kiss, now that will be one kiss I will never ever forget because it was my first kiss to you. At that kiss, I realized that I didn't want to kiss anyone else but you. And here, under this tree, I realize that you are the one and only girl for me and that (Y/N), I want you to be mine, forever. So with that, will you marry me?"

You smiled with tears filling your eyes, "Yes, yes, a million times, yes!" You smiled as a huge grin spread across his face and he got up from his spot and ran over to you. He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you passionately and at that moment, you had never been happier in your life.


Now everyone can say, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" or at least that's what I was saying while I was writing it.....awko-tacos everybody......

ANYWAYS, hi. Yupp, that was definitely my longest imagine yet! yay for long imagines!!!

Well, see yea later! SUGGEST ANY IMAGINE IDEAS THAT YOU HAVE!!! please and thank you!


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