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Hello! This part is meant as a small introduction to the story before I start to update it regularly. I will be updating every Tuesday and Friday and I'm always open to suggestions and comments! Thanks!
New house. New people. New everything. New life? Who knows, maybe it will be better here. Maybe. Maybe mom will notice that no matter how far she runs and hides from her sadness she has to face what happened eventually.

Portland will have to do for now.

I have to remember to stick to my plan: no friends, no relationships, no ties. I've found that living this way helps make it easier to leave later on. It's worked in the past 4 towns so let's see how it goes this time.

We just finished unpacking everything and it turns out that my speaker got crushed in the moving process and I don't think I'm going to get a new one anytime soon which absolutely blows. I've been 16 forever but we are never in one place long enough for me to get my license so my brother Bennett has to drive me everywhere. And let me tell you, driving in an old pick up truck with a "high on life" 18 year old is no where near safe.

Bennett loves that pick up and that pick up loves him. It's quite a marvelous relationship. We spend tons of time together and I couldn't ask for a better older brother. He is always there for me through everything, but Ben wasn't like this before the accident. He changed, and even though it seems like everything is fine and dandy he's really messed up. It's really difficult for me to pretend not to hear the sobbing and screaming that comes from his room in the middle of the night, but for his sake, I let him work it out with himself in his own privacy.

"Hey Val!" I heard someone calling my name from downstairs.

"Yeah?!" I replied.

"Come down," I recognized Bennett's familiar voice calling me down, "we need to run some errands. Mom made us a list!"

Ugh. Lame. I thought to myself and didn't reply.

"Let's go Valerie!" Ben yelled at the top of his lungs jolting me out of my bed and making me run out of my bedroom.

"Coming Ben. Chill." I replied coming down the stairs.

"Don't 'chill' me," Ben replied making air quotes as he said 'chill', "I'll be in the garage." He finished. I laughed under my breath and shoved on my tattered Vans as I followed him out the door and into the garage.

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