Chapter 6

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"And this is Jack's bedroom. I love the bathroom. The mirror is so good for selfies!" Sam laughed at herself. She was taking me on a tour of the Hopkins' mansion. The last destination was Jackson's bedroom which truly was amazing. It had a whole wall of glass windows that were perfectly polished with no streaks to be seen anywhere; something none of the Darcy's would be able to ever accomplish. But then again overpriced professional cleaning services seemed to fit right in with the pomp of Lake Oswego. Sam noticed me staring at the windows and commented, "There's no views like this in Chicago, are there?"

I turned around to look at her. "No there aren't." I grabbed her by the waist, my heart deciding what to do leaving my head spinning, confused as to why I just did that but allowing the coming events to unfold anyways. "And there aren't many Brown eyed beauties either." I finished and scanned her up and down biting my lip. She giggled and put her arms around my neck removing the space between us. I snapped out of my trance and inhaled sharply as I dropped my hands from her waist taking a step backwards and fixing my gaze out on the view over Lake Oswego. I put my hands in my pockets and slowly spoke again, "Hey maybe you should show me those amazing selfie mirrors?" I looked over at Sam and saw her nod slightly, beginning to walk over towards Jack's oversized bathroom. Her pale pink cocktail dress hugged her body in all the right places and cut off at the bottom hem with just enough tease to please any guy's imagination. I couldn't help it anymore. I sped up my step and hugged her from behind, putting my face in the crook of her neck and breathed in the scent of her strawberry shampoo. She smelled sweet like a warm summer day, inviting you to do things you had sworn never to do, and letting you know that it could have you feeling the most wonderful feelings. I felt her gentle touch run down my arms and over my rough hands adjusting them to remove any space left between us.

"Bennett?"she asked softly. "Mhmm?" I hummed into her neck letting my lips graze over her soft skin. "Follow me." she turned around and looked me in the eyes grabbing one of my hands. I nodded lightly in approval letting her lead me across the room slowly over to Jackson's bed. Still standing, I pulled her close to me, her chest slamming against mine and her lips following close behind. She put her hands around my neck, one traveling to my hair, making me pull her even closer. There was no other girl I had ever met that had ever made me feel this way. My instincts took priority over my logic my hands began to roughly inspect every area of Sam's perfect body. Her back arched slightly backwards as I leaned closer into her. I leaned back slightly letting her take control for a minute so I could breathe. I roughly held onto her sides, my big hands encasing the majority of her petite rib cage.

She immediately stopped everything, like someone flipped a switch somewhere inside of her. She took a few steps back and winced in pain. My heart stopped. Did I hurt her? What did I do? Was she okay? "Sam?" I softly asked. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry Sam. I didn't mean it." I blurted out everything that came to mind. Sam took a deep breath in and began, "Jack hits me. It's not you Bennett. I'm just screwed up emotionally and physically." Her voice faltered as she began to unzip her dress, revealing a giant bruise spending the entire day of her left rib cage. My jaw dropped, not because I was seeing Sam take off her dress, but because I didn't understand.

I didn't understand why anyone would hurt her.

I didn't understand why she would let Jack do that.

I didn't understand why he was acting like everything was fine.

I didn't understand.

"Sam... " I began, taking a step towards her, "Oh Sam... " I was cut off by the sound of drunk laughter and footsteps coming down the hallway. My eyes widened, alarmed, not knowing what to do or where to go. "In here, trust me." Sam said. I immediately followed her into Jack's bathroom softly closing the door behind me as we listened to what was happening in the bedroom.

All of a sudden, there was a confusing mixture of sounds consisting of glass breaking, screaming, and swearing like there was no tomorrow. I could hear Sam's heart beating out of her chest, and I was scared mine would jump right out of my body if we didn't get out of here soon.

"Are you okay? Did the rock hit you? Valerie?" I could hear a muffled voice on the other side of the door.

Sam gasped, "Shit, it's Ace."

"Who's 'Ace'?" I replied making air-quotes around his name.

"Alistair Falstead, a.k.a. Ace. He's Jackson's best friend. They were practically in the same womb." I chuckled, earning a jab in the gut from Sam's elbow.

"Thank you." a softer voice spoke up. Whoever that was, they sounded like they were in a great deal of pain. I recognized that voice from somewhere.

"Did that sound like my sister to you?" I asked Sam softly trying my hardest not to reveal that we were in the bathroom. The door was whipped open quickly and a blond-haired, lean teenager in a lacrosse t-shirt and black skinny jeans burst into the bathroom immediately getting on his knees and quickly gathering things from what seemed like a medicine cabinet. He took a double take.

Well, we're screwed. I thought.

"Sam?!" Ace looked extremely confused.

"Bennett?!" I heard Valerie yell from the bed. Ace moved to the side so she could see what he was seeing.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading, it really means a lot to me :)

So this chapter I gave you guys a little look at what Bennett and Samantha were doing before Alistair walked in on them. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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Song: Sherry W-Bouquet of Love (Millic Remix)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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