Chapter 2

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"So what do you think?" I asked my boyfriend Jackson as I stepped out of the J. Crew dressing room in a skin tight 'little black dress'. He turned around and his eyes went wide as he scanned me up and down. He stepped forward grabbing my waist and pulling me close.

"I think it'll look better on the floor," he whispered into my neck.

"Not here!" I giggled as I tried to push him away, but his grip just tightened. "I said not here Jackson!" I managed to shove him off of me before things got more heated.

"I'll take it," I said to the dressing room attendant and went back into the dressing room to change.

"Should I charge it to your account Mr. Hopkins?" I heard the attendant ask Jack before taking the dress to the register.

"Yes, of course. Anything for the enchanting Samantha Bryant," Jackson said obnoxiously loud in the direction of my dressing room. I giggled and a childish grin made its way across my face, "I'll get the dress and wait in the car for you. Kay, Sam?"

"Okay Jack. That's fine." I replied as the grin slowly faded from my face. I stood in the mirror in nothing but my bra and panties. My lip started to tremble and my hand shot up to my mouth in an attempt to stifle a whimper. I took a step toward the mirror and lifted my left arm up, uncovering the bruise encasing my rib cage. My fingertips traced the bruises all over my abdomen and I let out a quiet sob, hoping, praying, that Jackson had left the store already. Why did he do this to me? Was this what love was supposed to look like? Why did I let him do this to me? Why did I let him do this to me? Oh right. This was all okay because I was just another item to him, I was another rag doll for him to throw around and tatter up. I'm better than this, I thought to myself, I should just break up with him.


Absolutely not. What was I thinking? Committing social suicide just because of some rough play to please your boyfriend who happened to be the hottest guy within 70 miles of this dump? I don't think so.

"Miss Bryant, are you alright?" I put that thought into the back of my mind and wiped the running mascara off of my face as I heard the dressing room attendant knocking on the door to my room. I took a deep breath, "Miss Bryant? Mr. Hopkins has pulled up the car," I heard the urgency in the attendant's voice rise.

"Yes, thank you! I'm coming! Just one sec!" I blurted out as I scrambled to button up my shirt and slide on my maxi skirt. I quickly opened the door and came face to face with the attendant. She ran over to her station and pulled a cooling face wipe out of her purse and handed it to me. "Thank you," I smiled warmly at her. She smiled back nodding her head and stepped out of my way, but I stepped right back in front of her, putting a wad of $50.00 bills into the front pocket of her employee shirt, smugly grinning and slowly putting on my sunglasses, not breaking eye contact. She stuttered to find words, "Shhh, think of it as a gift from the 'enchanting Samantha Bryant'. Let's keep this between us." I whispered and walked away, flipping my dark hair over my shoulder behind me. This is the real Sam. Not that pathetic pile of nothing that was just in the dressing room. I thought to myself and began walking toward the front door.

All of a sudden, I felt the floor release beneath my feet, and I went flying towards the ground, feeling like 'pathetic Sam' again. I took a second to analyze what just happened and realized that I had flat-out slammed into some guy I had never met. He was on his knees next to me, asking if I was okay, but I wasn't listening.

Everything was suddenly in slow-motion; blood rushing to my face and burning my cheeks, butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach as we locked eyes. It felt like he was gazing through me and into my soul. I didn't want it to end, but I could hear someone yelling, "Oh my God, Samantha! Sam! Are you okay?!" and I immediately recognized that voice. Jackson. All electricity stopped, and the butterflies resumed their stationary position in the deep, dark corners of my psyche.


Hey guys!

Hope you all liked that part! The characters are really going to start unraveling now! I'm really loving all of the positive feedback. Keep it up! Remember to vote and comment. Thanks guys!

Best Wishes,


Song: Gooey by Glass Animals

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