Chapter 1

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6 years later:

I literally do not remember having an X game phase. Also Tom had a glow up.

"Do you have your pass?" I nod before shaking it in front of my coach's gaze. I'm waiting for the big air competition to begin since that was the main attraction of the day. I just arrived last night from Hawaii for the X games and I really wanted to watch the skaters. Besides, skateboarding is a bit like surfing.

"THE BIG AIR COMPETITION IS ABOUT TO START!" I run to the very front of the barricades and stare in wonder as the skaters do their show. I had a soft spot for Jagger Eaton and Tom Schaar seing as they were near my age group, I was disappointed when Jett backed off because of his injury. But I do understand, I would have done the exact same thing.

They were awesome, Tom got third place but unfortunately Jagger wasn't at the top of the board, but he seemed happy to have participated.

"Look who's here... Isn't it Miss Nalu Peterson?" I turn and smile at Josh Warwer. He's a known skating coach and I met him a few times when I stayed in the Mainland for a few competitions. He's an awesome guy and his little daughter Rose is the cutest baby in the whole wide world.

"Hey Josh! What are you doing here?" I ask. He chuckles and leads me to his tent where Tom was!

"I'm this little dude's coach." Tom was handsome, I'll tell you that! His green eyes were gorgeous and he finally took his braces off.

"Hi, I'm Tom Schaar." We bump fists and I sit down in front of him.

"I'm Nalu Peterson." We chat for a bit around some cans of energized drinks before the podium. Josh called my coach and told him that he would bring me back later on since they were at the same hotel as us. Same sponsor, same hotel...

He got on the podium and I took pictures for my scrapbook. I was lucky enough to get Eliot Sloan and Bob Burnquist's signature on a poster.
We then headed to a restaurent to celebrate. The Schaar's were there and I got to meet their little family. The dad was into surfing and the mom wanted to know about my personal life. I felt like I was being interogated by the police!
Tom must have seen my discomfort because the subject left me practising ballet when I was small to me getting ready for my surfing competition in three days.

"Who came with you on your trip?" Asks mama Schaar.
"My coach, and team. My mom's taking care of my 5 month sibling and dad's working." We ate in a comfortable state and left back to the hotel.

"We're supposed to leave tomorrow but since we live a few hours from here, I think we'll stay a bit longer to see you compete." I hug Tom and enter the hotel suite. I'm really going to enjoy him staying. I do need emotional support.

"How was it?" Dan, my coach, asked.


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