Chapter 3- Competition

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I oblige my stomach to keep my breakfast and follow my team to our tent. I had my combinaison on and my hair let loose. Today is the day where I'm going to compete against my idols.

"You'll do great kiddo!" I get embraced by everyone before making my way to the starting line. Breath in, breath out. Stay calm.
"Nalu!" Tom wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. "You can do it..." I nod take my start stance, remembering every trick in the book. I bury my feet in the burning sand and gaze in front.

When the whistle blows, I focus on doing the best I can do. I paddle quite far getting to the big waves and miraculously, I'm the first to catch a great wave. It's always best when you get on first so that all the eyes are on you.
I carve the wave a few times before jumping and doing a 360 before throwing in the oldest trick in the book and doing a tenner. When I arrive at the beach, my whole team is cheering and lift me up.

"Results will be posted in a few minutes !" We make our way to our tent but I get back in the water and surf for a bit more.

"NALU! Results are up!" I join Tom, gripping his hand nervously, what if I didn't make it?

"Don't worry honey, I'm sure you did great." I smile at Mama Schaar and stand next to Dan who ruffles my wet hair. Jett throws me a shirt and I put it on.

"You were great!" I'm flabberghast. RYAN SHECKLER IS IN FRONT OF ME. Just because I don't skate professionally doesn't mean I'm a noob either.

"T...thanks sir!" We shake hands while Tom chuckles.

"Call me Ryan, now let's go see if you advance!"

I stumble in front of our little group as photographs concentrate on my interlocking hands with Tom's. But I couldn't care less, I need the support.

"In the third and final heat... Nalu Peterson advances directly to the final having scored the highest out of the competition!" I grin and jump around before getting squished by Dan and the boys. They chant my name and laugh as my face became a vibrant red.

We pack our things and leave to a restaurent nearby. The Eatons are staying for a bit before going back to Arizona. They stated that since I watched them skate, they should watch me surf. But I have a tingly sensation that school had a part on their decision too.

"I'll have a giant, enormous, big pepperoni pizza!" I ruffle Keaton's hair as he babbled on, trying to convince his parents that he could indeed, eat the whole pizza.

"I'll take some spaghetti bol please." The waitress nods and takes everyones order.

"What are you planning to do once the competition ends?"

"I don't know... I'm probably going back to Hawaii..."Silence falls but the arrival of the food dismisses it. Now that I think of it, We're probably not going to see each other anymore. It's going to be sad but I had done it before so why not?

"When we go back to the hotel, you better sleep. Don't want to lose the finale tomorrow!" I nod at Dan, my head still consumed by thoughts.

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