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It's was stupid.

This whole thing was stupid, but you were stubborn, and David was even more stubborn.

You got in a petty fight with him, and you two through insults back and forth till you left. You ran till you made it to the boardwalk, tears welled in your eyes that you quickly blinked away.

You walked around a bit thinking about the boys but didn't want to go back till you fully cooled down. Suddenly, you noticed the sun was coming up.


You thought to yourself, to get back to the cave by foot would take way too long and David didn't teach you how to fly yet, you had to thing fast and the best option you saw was Max's video store.

You rushed in and saw max, leaving, you grab his arm and told him you needed to stay somewhere before sun rise. He was confused and then annoyed. He gave you a small lecture about staying with the boys and being home well before sun rise as he drove you to his house since you'd be safe there. He quickly rushed you inside. He had blackout curtains on every window, and every door was completely sealed, so no sunlight could get in.

He sighed and showed you to a room you could stay in before lecturing you again.

"I know... I'm sorry, I won't let it happen again, I appreciate this max, thank you..."

You said seriously and genuinely, this caught max off guard. Normally, if he lectured you or the boys, you'd all shrug it off, but you were genuinely sorry, and he could tell something was wrong, but he didn't say anything. He nodded and shut the door, going to his own room.

You sat on the bed and cried into your hands, eventually falling asleep on the rather comfortable bed.

While this was happening, all he'll had broken loose with the boys. The sun coming was up, and you still weren't back, Dwayne made a passive-aggressive comment to David about fighting with you while Paul paced anxiously.

"He still isn't home! The sun's up!"

He says frantically. David rubs his temple, annoyance plastered on his face, but he is really deeply scared.

This was his fault. He pushed you away, and now you were probably dead.

He thought to himself. Eventually, the boys go to sleep, not knowing what else to do, Marko says he wants to stay up in case you come back, but David says to just go to sleep, think that you were long dead.

Hours pass, and the sun sets. The boys immediately go out to try and find you. You, on the other hand, get driven back to the boardwalk by Max. He feels like something happened between you and the boys but doesn't say anything. He drops you off, and you thank him before wondering aimlessly around the boardwalk. You're walking, looking out at the ocean when you accidentally bump into someone. You go to apologize, but look and realize is Paul, his face lights out, and he grabs you, pulling you into a bone crushing hug, you feel wet tears on your neck that Paul quickly wipes away but you don't say anything about him crying.

"I thought you were dead!"

Marko says with a relieved look that quickly turns to an annoyed one.

"Where the hell were you?! I was fucking worried!"

You look at him confused but realize the fear and anxiousness in their eyes. They were worried about you. They do care about you. You look at them speechless but muster up and soft, "I was with max..." They look confused but don't care that much. You were alive, and that's all that matters.

You look at David but quickly look away as his icy blue eyes meet yours. He huffs and grabs you roughly before hugging you. "I'm sorry..." He says quietly so the other boys tldont hear him. He kisses you and goes back to his cold, closed off demeanor, but you knew it. He was sorry. And you forgave him.

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