chapter five | work problems

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            SINCE EIGHT O'CLOCK this morning, Y/n's been sitting around at work. None of her students had shown up. There haven't been any cancellations that she was aware of. At this point, she debated going home.

She began to pack up, but her boss had walked over.

"No one showed up again?" He questioned curiously. Y/n nodded with a sigh and showed him that no messages were telling her that people had to cancel. This confused him a lot. Since Y/n was hired, there's been a lot of business. Now, not so much. "Well, I guess you can go home."

"So, I guess you're free for lunch then?" She heard a familiar voice ask. She looked over to see Taylor with a smile on her face. "I thought it'd be nice to spend some time together, like we talked about."

"I guess I can make some time for you." She teased with a grin. She grabbed her stuff and took it to Taylor's car with Taylor's help.

Once they got in the car, Taylor began the drive back to the apartment. Y/n wanted to drop her stuff off first. They sat in silence, and Y/n soon played music quietly as background noise.

Although Y/n had an easy day, Taylor has been working on new music. She was proud of the new stuff she was working on. She hoped the fans would like it.

A little secret about it: some of the songs were about Y/n.

The only people who knew about that were her, Jack, and Aaron. Y/n knew nothing about it. Not even her mother knew about it. It's important to note that none of them paints Y/n in a bad light. She couldn't say anything bad about her, even if she tried. "So, what's going on at work?" Taylor asked curiously, now breaking the silence. "You seem to be coming home early a lot recently."

"Well, I hope I'm not interrupting something when I do come home early."

"Of course not."

"To answer your question, though, none of my students are showing up." Y/n replied honestly. That surprised Taylor; from what she'd seen, Y/n was a great teacher. "I was so excited to use everything you taught me to teach other people. I asked you to teach me how to play the guitar, and now the people I was teaching aren't showing up."

"Give it a few days. If people are still not showing up, then we can brainstorm and think of what to do next." Taylor suggested as they approached the apartment building.

Y/n ended up taking Taylor's advice. The next day, she went to work, ready to spread the love of music. When she got to work, she ended up being the only one there other than the owner. Was there a memo she missed?

She put her stuff down at her station and then walked toward the register to check the phones. She sent a quick text to her co-workers and let the messages play in the background.

Most of them weren't important, but then something caught her attention. "Hey, Y/n. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I will have to cancel my son's lessons." One of the messages said, and then another just like it. Almost everyone had quit lessons. "What the hell?" She questioned. This was super confusing. Why are people quitting?

"More people quit?" One of the cashiers asked as he walked into the store.

"At this point, I'm considering quitting and writing that book I've always wanted to write." She admitted it, soon letting out a sigh and putting her phone in her pocket. Since people were quitting, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Maybe it was the universe telling her to do it. It had to be a sign.

"No one is stopping you. Well, Bill might, but I wouldn't listen to him." The cashier replied honestly. Y/n nodded at the advice, soon walking away and going back to her station. If all else fails, she could go back to West Reading and work in the bookstore.

She's still the owner of it. Elvis is just running it while she's away. They still call her to make important decisions.

"Thanks for the chat, Mark." She spoke with a grin as she turned back to say that last thing. Once she reached her station, she pulled out her phone to text Taylor, warning her that she was coming home. Since their conversation yesterday, that's become yet another inside joke between the two of them.

Everything will be fine.

Once she got home, she finally put the gifts she had wrapped under the tree. She put the last box down before standing up and taking a few steps back, admiring her work with a smile on her face.

She looked at it for a while until she got an idea. At that moment, Y/n rushed to her room. She sat at her desk and opened a new document on her laptop.

The moment her fingers touched the keyboard, the words spilled onto the document. She planned to keep it a secret until it was finished. Not even Taylor was allowed to know about it. A few minutes into her writing session, her bedroom door swung open, and she was quick to hide the screen. She looked over her shoulder to see Taylor walking into the room. "Is everything okay?" She asked her curiously.

"I came in here to ask you the same thing." She admitted. Y/n knew she'd been quiet today, but Taylor knew she was here. "I heard you running in this direction, and I wasn't sure if something was wrong or not." Now it makes sense. Y/n was going to answer, but she saw a suspicious look on Taylor's face. She knew the reason for that. "What are you doing?" She questioned and pointed at the slightly closed laptop.

"Just catching up on some work."

"I thought you were quitting?"

She forgot that she told Taylor about that. She had to come up with something fast, but her mind was blank. Then she remembered the perfect excuse. The bookstore. "I still own the bookstore in West Reading, you know." She quickly replied. She looked at Taylor, hoping she would let it go.

Luckily for her, that's what Taylor did. "Alright then. I'm going out to get something to eat; do you want anything?" She asked curiously.

"Whatever you're getting is fine with me." She grinned, soon earning a nod and a smile from Taylor. She began to walk away, but Y/n stopped her to say two more things. "Thank you and I love you."

"I love you," Taylor replied, grinning one last time before walking toward the front door. She knew Y/n meant it in the friend way, but she always meant it in a significant other way. After they started dating, she never saw Y/n as a friend again.

Y/n was much more than that to her. She was the only person Taylor wanted to be with.

brooke speaks!

i have so many ideas
for this story and i
can't wait for you all
to see them! i finished
typing this at 12:50am
so excuse any mistakes
there might be :)

𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 , 𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘵 Where stories live. Discover now