chapter six | new friend

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            A FEW DAYS ago, Y/n decided to follow her dreams. She quit her job to focus on the book. In all honesty, she was super excited to share it with everyone. It's only been a couple of days, but she wasn't sure how much longer she could hide it from everyone.

Realistically, she didn't know how long she could hide it from Taylor.

Since ten o'clock that morning, Y/n had sat in her room, writing more of her story while listening to Taylor's music. The song "So It Goes..." had just ended for "Stay Stay Stay" to start. Both are personal favorites of hers. Any time Y/n would ask, Taylor would get her guitar and sing them for her.

It was always part of the at-home concert experience that Taylor would play for her.

She always did it because it put a smile on Y/n's face. She would do anything just to make her smile. That was still true to this day.

At this moment in time, Taylor was in her studio on a FaceTime call with Elvis. She was talking with him about Y/n's Christmas gifts, but he could tell there was more to the story. "I'm not trying to sound rude or anything, but I know you didn't call me to just talk about Christmas gifts." Elvis pointed it out. The look on Taylor's face was enough to tell him that he was right.

"I might be crazy, but it feels like Y/n keeps dropping all these hints that she wants to get back together," She stated as she typed something on her computer. Elvis nodded, waiting for her to further explain. "At the same time, she's saying she wants to stay friends. I just don't know what's going on." She explained.

"Have you talked to her about this?"

"No, since she quit her job, she's been locked up in her room or out with her friends."

He looked at her with a confused expression. Y/n never told him that she quit. She meant to, but never got around to it. "When did she quit?" He asked her curiously.

She thought about it for a second, trying to remember what day it was. "If today is Saturday, then she quit on Tuesday, I think." She was unsure of her answer. She wasn't sure if she remembered it correctly. "Yeah, it was Tuesday." Her tone was now more confident than it was moments ago.

"Good to know. Back to the original topic, I'm sure it's nothing. Update me on this though, since Y/n won't." He spoke and playfully rolled his eyes, soon letting out a chuckle. "I gotta go, but good luck. I'm rooting for you two."

Before she could say anything, Elvis ended the call. Now, Taylor was left alone with her thoughts. Even now, she thought about Y/n.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of the door opening soon followed by Benjamin's meow. When she turned in her chair to look in that direction, she saw her best friend with Benjamin in her arms. "He wanted to see you, and so did I," Y/n spoke with a grin, approaching her best friend, and then the cat jumped out of her arms and into Taylor's. "Do you have time to hang out with me today?"

"Of course. I always have time for you."

"Where was this energy a year ago?" Y/n asked jokingly. Taylor smiled at the sound of her laughter, soon putting the cat on the floor and standing up from her chair. "Go get dressed and then we can go." She instructed before going to her room. Taylor was left alone once again.

She smiled to herself and then went to her room to get dressed.

Since noon, the two have sat in a café. Y/n ordered fries for the table and a glass of her favorite soda; Taylor got a milkshake. She needed it, according to her.

"So, what have you been working on?" Taylor asked casually, hoping to catch her off guard and get an answer from her. Spoiler alert: It didn't work.

"I'm not telling you." Y/n reminded her before grinning at her. So far, she's been pretty good at keeping this book a secret. She wanted to tell Taylor about it, but as she planned, it was a surprise she'd have to wait at least a year for. "You'll find out eventually."

"Okay, fine." She let out a sad, playful sigh. The subject changed, and they talked for another hour.

Since they've been there, fans have approached them. They would talk to Taylor and take pictures with her. They knew Y/n but didn't talk to her unless they asked her to take pictures for them.

Honestly, that kind of hurt her feelings. She couldn't tell Taylor that, so she hid it and acted like everything was okay. It happened a few more times until Taylor paid the bill and they left the café.

They walked along the sidewalk in silence. Somewhere along the way, Taylor would wrap an arm around her best friend and talk to her. "So, is there a specific reason for going out, or are we just walking around till we decide on something?" Taylor asked curiously.

"The second one. I just wanted to spend time with my best friend without the talk of work and secret projects." She admitted it and looked at her with a grin. "Is there anything you want to do?"

"Maybe we could go get some stuff for the cats to have for Christmas."

"We can do that. Let's go back to the apartment and get the car first; I'm getting very cold."

They smiled at each other before turning around and walking back to the apartment. Along the way, Taylor continued to try to find out about the secret project that Y/n was hiding from her.

She could try all she wanted, but Y/n wouldn't tell her a thing.

Y/n sat in her room, playing a game. She had planned to write more of her book, but her brain had other plans. So, for the past couple of hours, she's been playing The Sims 4. It was always one of those games she would play for weeks and then go months without even thinking about it. There were a few games like that for her.

Her focus stayed on the game until her phone rang.

She accepted the call, soon seeing Elvis' face pop up on the screen. "I haven't heard from you in a while." He spoke once he saw the smile on her face. Not even a minute later, he heard the familiar mix of music. He'll come back to that later. "I heard you quit your job; wanna tell me about that?"

She looked at him suspiciously. She knew that she wasn't the one to tell him, but she might have an idea of who did. "How'd you know about that?"

"Taylor might have mentioned it." That confirmed her suspicion, but now she just had more questions. For example, when did Elvis and Taylor become good friends and talk about everything? They've never talked to each other for a long time or been in the same room for longer than ten minutes. "Speaking of Taylor, have you figured that situation out yet?"

"Not at all." She admitted. She loved Taylor more than anything, but they were in a good place. The breakup was her decision, and she regretted it. "I know it's my fault, but I lost her once; I can't go through that again."

"Technically, you lost her twice. Do we not remember the events of like five years ago?" He corrected it, and then thought about it a little bit more. "Three times. Everything that happened before she came back into your life the first time." He corrected himself, confident that he got it right this time.

"Hold on, you're right. I either accidentally forgot about it or forgot it on purpose."

Elvis playfully rolled his eyes, which caused the two to laugh. From that point on, they talked about all the new things going on in their lives. Y/n didn't know it, but Elvis would be talking to Taylor about this later.

She'll have to investigate this friendship at some point.

brooke speaks!

you guys have no idea
what i have planned for
this and i'm so excited
to share it with you
when we get there!
hoping there's no

𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 , 𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘸𝘪𝘧𝘵 Where stories live. Discover now