Can I Do Your Makeup Please?

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Authors Notes:  

So, I know that this is a random book. However, this is a grab bag of fandoms as my account says. I was watching Jake and Johnnie in videos together and separately for a solid week and was saddened at the huge lack of fics on AO3 about them. I am aware that Jake and Johnnie aren't actually into each other but I wanted to have a little fun with writing things about them because honestly, I could see it. They're two idiots but I love them and I just wanna create some cute, weird, angsty, and steamy situations and hopefully create fun content for others to read who might be sad there's not enough stories out there like me.

There might be smut in this book, but that's just how it goes. As always, I will warn you in the notes beforehand so you can skip if that isn't your thing.

As for this particular OS, I was watching videos on YouTube and I saw Johnnie make Jake into an emo and I just wanted to see a cute fanfic where Johnnie does Jake's makeup for fun while he's bored and they get all sappy, so here we go. 

If you have any ideas for either this book or my Sam and Colby book, leave comments! 


Johnnie sat up in bed slowly, rubbing his eyes with his fingers, the exhaustion from the previous night still sinking deeply into his bones from the party they'd been at

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Johnnie sat up in bed slowly, rubbing his eyes with his fingers, the exhaustion from the previous night still sinking deeply into his bones from the party they'd been at. Despite having gotten some sleep, it clearly wasn't enough.

Socializing was never much fun for him, but his boyfriend Jake was a huge social butterfly, and it was his oldest friends Sam and Colby who were throwing the party, so whatever made him happy, of course.

He was never able to say no to him anyway.

He had a feeling that Jake knew that and took advantage of it, but Johnnie couldn't find it in himself to really care about it much. It was really fucking hard to stay mad at him when he smiled like he did with dimples denting his cheeks and called him baby.

Jake's smile was one of his weaknesses, but he would go to hell before he ever admitted it because information like that could be  used for absolute torture. 

Sometimes, he was still in disbelief that Jake had even agreed to be in a relationship with him after his breakup with Tara. Of course, it wasn't right away, but first Johnnie had realized his feelings and agonized over them day in and day out for months until finally he spilled his secrets during a drunken night at home.

That night Jake had kissed him for the first time and while they hadn't gone much further, their relationship kind of snowballed after that. It was hard for them to stay away from each other after that. 

It was like chiseling away at a rock for so long until you break through to the crystal within. Such a long struggle, but worth the wait once the final chisel hit revealed something beautiful.

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