Daisy? Baby? | AA23

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Warning: Loss of child, meningitis


"Daddy?" Daisy said quietly as she walked into our bedroom late at night while we watched TV. Alex grabbed the remote from off the duvet and quickly paused the show because it was too violent for Daisy to watch.

"Yeah baby?" He asked her as she walked over clutching her stuffed lion teddy, Rupert, close to her chest as she stood looking at us from a few steps into the room. It wasn't like Daisy to be up now, usually she was out like a light and wouldn't wake up until Alex or I woke her in a morning.

"My head hurts." She mumbled taking a few wobbly steps forward towards our bed. Alex flung the duvet off him, swung his legs out of bed and waved our daughter over. "It really hurts." She said her breath hitching as she wandered over still firmly clutching Rupert. Her skin had lost it's usual sunny glow and was pale and her cheeks blushed. Alex swooped her deep brown hair away from her forehead and pressed his hand delicately against it, not wanting to cause her anymore pain.

"She's really warm." He told me, momentarily turning to face me as I sat in our bed.

"I'll go and get the calpol." I responded also getting out of bed and walking to our bathroom, I heard Alex and Daisy talking as I walked into the bathroom. His tone was soft and comforting, hers was tired and quiet.

I returned to our bedroom holding the bottle and saw Daisy snuggled up to Alex in bed waiting for me to come back in.

"Right, this'll make it better." I told her she nodded and leant up off Alex and shuffled closer to me. I upturned the bottle and poured the pink medicine onto the spoon. I moved it towards her open mouth and placed it in, she shut her mouth around it and pulled the spoon out before handing it back to me, clean from the fuchsia liquid. She shuffled back onto Alex and I got under the duvet too, so that Daisy was in between us both.

"Can we watch the cakes?" She asked I picked up the remote to turn off the show Alex and I'd been watching prior to her getting in our bed. Daisy referred to Great British Bake Off as 'the cakes' and as of late it was her favourite show to watch when it was on, we'd usually watch it as a family.

"Yeah, course we can." I nodded changing it from Gangs of London to Bake Off. "But you do know it won't be a new on." She nodded subtly as I played it.

"That's ok." She yawned cuddling further into her dad, Rupert also tucked under her arm.

Eventually she fell asleep against his arm and we tucked her under the covers before both deciding to go to sleep too.

I woke up to Daisy crying in the night.

"It really hurts mummy." She sobbed gripping my arm. "My head still hurts." I turned to her and saw her glassy eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks. Alex also woke up as I flicked on my bedside light, I sat up and Daisy copied me, Alex too. She quickly shut her eyes as I turned on the light. "That's too bright." She whimpered.

"I'm sorry baby, but I need to see." I explained, Alex looked at me worriedly as our daughter cried over her headache.

"We can't call a doctors it's half two in the morning." He said knowing that we definitely needed to call somebody.

"Call 111 then, I don't think we need 999." He nodded and picked up his phone from where it was on charge next to our bed.

After trailing through the amount of 'press 1 if...' answer machines he was put through to a real person.

"Yeah she's um six." He told them, I tried to console Daisy but because it hadn't been long since I'd given her calpol I couldn't give her anything else. "Daisy?" Alex said she turned her hips as she faced him. "Does your neck hurt?" He asked, clearly the person on the phone needed to know.

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