Chapter 2

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Liam's POV

I was standing in line waiting for my name to be called, so I could go sing. My mum and I had been waiting for hours, and I was starting to get a little impatient. It was my second year trying out for the X-Factor, the first time I made it to judges houses but couldn't make it to the live shows. I was thinking about how to make my audition better than the first time when suddenly someone ran right into me.


One of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. She was probably 5'8'' and she had the best eyes. They were brown, but they weren't just any old brown. No. Her's had tiny gold specks in them, which made the ten times more beautiful.

"Liam Payne, your up next" someone called my name pulling me from my thoughts. I followed a man backstage and got set to go on.

"Good luck sweetheart I know you'll do great" my mum said planting a kiss on my cheek and giving me a hug.

"Thanks mum"

"Ok Liam the judges are ready for you" the man with the headset said. I walked onto the stage, and there sat all three of the judges; Louis, Cher, and Simon.

"Hello there Liam welcome back?" Simon asked when I got to the red X in the center of the stage.

"Hello Simon, it's great to be back!"

"So Liam what will you be singing today?"

"I'm going to sing Cry Me a River"

The music started to play, and I felt excited, yet a little nervous because I really wanted to make it back on the show.


I walked out to see Simon sitting on a couch waiting for me. I started to get really nervous about what he was going to tell me.

"Liam, I've made a dicission, and it's not good."

Right after the words left his mouth I felt completly crushed. I put my head in my hands as I felt a tear slide down my cheek. This was all I had ever wanted, and this just broke me.

"Liam I want you to come back in 2 years when your a little older and try again."


I took Simon's advise, and this time around I was going to make it farther than I did last time. This time I was way more prepared, and I was a lot more mature. Not only in my life, but in my voice as well. It had gotten a lot deeper since the last time I was on this show, and it was a lot mote developed.

"Now you say you're lonely, You cried the whole night through. Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river, I cried a river over you." My adrenaline was now pumping through my veins, and the crowd was going wild.

"Now, you say you love me, Well just to prove that you do. Come on and cry me a river. Oh, cry me a river, I cried a river over you. Cry me a river." I finished the song, and I got a standing ovation from everyone. Simon was standing and clapping too, and he was the one who I wanted to please the most, so I was pretty happy at this point.

"Wow you have definitely got it what ever it is you've got it, and I thought your vocals were really very powerful." Cher said with a smile.

"Thank you Cher."

"Liam I'm really glad that you came back, and for sixteen years it was so confident, and you totally delivered it." Louis said which made me feel very proud of my performance. "Simon this is the guy you didn't put through?"

"Yes, well he wasn't quite ready when he cane to my house two years ago, but I said to him then come back two year time and your going ti be a different person. I got it right." Thats what really put a smile on my face.

"Now we are gonna vote." Louis told me the thing I was dreading the most. "I am going to say yes. Cher?"

"It's a yes for me definitely."

"Simon, is it a yes or no?"

"Based on talent absolutely incredible. One massive, fat, almighty, yes!" I cheered with excitement.

"Thank you so much." I said as I ran off stage. It felt amazing to be let back on the show again, and this time I would win, and I would make sure of it.


A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter!!! I hope you guys like it though, and I will try and upload the next chapter as soon as possible.


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