Chapter 4

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~Katherine's POV~

When I got to boot camp there were do many people there, and I started to get a little nervous. I went into the bathroom to try and calm down when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I picked it up to see a text from Reid.

From: Reid

"Break a leg!!! You are going to do great, I just know it!!!"

I smiled and texted back.

"Thx Reid I will do my best :)"

I was walking out of the bathroom when I accidentally ran into someone. I looked up, and saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh I'm do sorry I didn't even see you there." I apologized.

"No that was totally my fault. What's your name?" The blonde haired boy said, and I noticed he had an Irish accent.

"Katherine what about you?"

"Hey Katherine I'm Niall." He smile putting his hand out for me to shake.

"So Niall we should stay together, since you are really the only person I know as of right now." I said with a laugh as Niall joined in.

"I was just thinking that. Here we should exchange numbers." He said handing me his phone. I put in my number as he did the same. He was so sweet and innocent. I really like Niall, but not in that way. Actually I think he would look really cute with Reid; he reminds me a lot of her.

"Katherine hello?" Niall said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry I kinda just zoned out." I said blushing from embarrassment.

Niall let out a laugh, and I couldn't help but laugh too. His laugh was just so amusing.

"Hey do you wanna go to the stage? I think everyone is getting ready to start the boot camp round." I asked Niall after we calmed down.

"Yea, sure." He said as we started to make our way over to the stage.

That's when I saw him. That guy I bumped into the day I auditioned. I guess he auditioned too, and got in. I couldn't help but stare at him; his perfect hair, his perfect smile, his perfect eyes, his perfect everything, everything about him seemed so perfect.

"Ok so we are going to start the boot camp round everyone please make a semi circle around the entire stage, and one by one each of you will sing the song you have prepared." A stage director told everyone.

I looked back to where the mysterious guy was standing, and I saw him staring at me. I blushed, and looked at the ground when Niall broke me out of my trans.

"Katherine, are you ok?" he said waving his hand in front of my face again. "Come on we have to go to the stage."

"Ok" I said following him out onto the stage.

Everyone was standing in a big semi circle around the edge of the stage. All the judges where coming out, and sitting in there seats.

"Hello how is everyone doing today?" Simon greeted us.

"Good" We all said in unison.

"Wonderful. So to start when will call your name, you will sing the song you have prepared for everyone. Then after everyone sings we will talk it over, and unfortunately half of you will be going home. To start, could we have Niall Horan please come forward, and sing what you have prepared for us." I looked at Niall and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Break a leg!" I whisper-yelled to him as he made his way to center stage.

Niall sang "Champagne Supernova" and I thought he sounded amazing! He really does have an amazing singing voice. When Niall finished he came, and sat right next to me.

Save Me: a Liam Payne Fanfic (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora