Chapter 10

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~Liam's POV~

After clubbing last night, I woke up the only one without a hang over. The only reason tho is because I'm not aloud to drink alcohol on account of my kidney problem.

I walked into the small living room we had in our hotel room, and I found Gabby and Zayn making out on the couch.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat trying to get them to stop eating each others faces.

I guess they didn't hear me because not either of them stopped...that is until Louis came in.

"Ewww no PDA in the living room!" He said covering his eyes.

They both jumped apart, I'm guessing because Louis scared the shit out of both of them. Gabby sat there blushing like crazy, and Zayn just had this giant smile plastered on his face.

"Oh hey Gabby, what are you doing here?" Niall asked walking in the room.

That only made her blush more, and I mentally face palmed myself. Why would Niall ask that? Why did he not know the answer? Sometimes I wonder if he ever thinks before he says things. 

 "Really Niall?" I said smacking him upside the head. "Does anyone else want tea or coffee?"

"Actually I have to go, but I will see you guys later," Gabby said giving us all a smile, and a wave.

"OK text me later babe," Zayn said giving her a kiss as she walked out the door.

Wait he just kissed her? And he called her babe? What the hell is going on? I mean I know they did it last night, but they aren't going out...are they? I mean they just met each other.

"Zayn when did you two start going out? I mean you just met her last night," I said confused at Zayn's decisions.

"This morning I asked her out. And I know we just met and all, but I really do feel a connection with her. I know that sounds really cheesy, but it's true. I just can't even describe how I feel when I'm around her. I get all nervous, and I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, and I-I just." Zayn stumbled to find the right words to describe what ever he was feeling. "I just really like her Li you have to trust me on this one." Zayn said with a small smile.

"Ok. I just think you guys should slow down a bit. I mean I could understand if you just asked her out on a date, but you just jumped to asking her to be your girlfriend. I just don't want either of you to get hurt because of this." I said still a little concerned. "But if you think that you two are both ready to be boyfriend, girlfriend then I will stand right behind you guys in your decision." I said giving Zayn a reassuring smile back.

"Thanks Li, and hey maybe I can get Gabby to ask Katherine to come with her and I on a date, and I can bring you. We could all go on like a double date," now that got my attention.

"Uhhh are you sure I don't want to intrude on your date," I said not wanting to be impolite, but hoping Zayn would say it was fine.

"Yea I'm sure Gabby would be totally fine with it."

"Awesome, your the best Zayn," I said giving him a giant hug that probably squeezed all the air out of him, and then going to make coffee.

I still was a little shocked that Zayn and Gabby were going out when they had just met, but I have to admit they did look cute together. I turned on the coffee machine, and poured in the coffee mix.

"Who else wants coffee?" I yelled through the hotel room, so I knew how much to make.

"I do," Zayn and Niall said.

"OK. Louis?" I asked.

"Yea I'll take some," Louis said.

"Yea I will have some too," Harry said walking into the room.

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