Chapter 2

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"Princess, the dinner is served."- one of their servants said in a courteous manner as Lindsay nodded. She slowly got up from the purple velvet couch she was sitting on as both of her hands lifted her gown a bit so, she wouldn't trip and then, she headed downstairs to the main dining hall. All heads turned towards her as she walked towards the table. She had never been able to walk graciously like other princesses do and her mother sometimes referred to her as a "disgrace".

Her parents and her elder sister, Rosamund, were sitting on the table. She pulled her chair back so, she could sit and it made a loud screeching noise, which caused other people to cover up their ears. Her cheeks turned pink when she mumbled "sorry" as she sat down. She took a spoon and directly put it in the bowl of soup, making it fall on the table. One servant quickly noticed it as he wiped it off the table. Her mother was glaring at her and she mouthed "You're good for nothing." She looked down at her food and began swallowing it nervously. She had always been suffocated in this place where people try to be something they are not. They have to put on a fake covering of a person who is sophisticated and always says sweet things they actually don't mean. She was not afraid to show her true colours but, her actions didn't please her mother or the present day Royal society. 

After finishing dinner as she was going towards her room, her mother stopped her. She turned back and the look on her mother's face didn't look like she was elated. She said-"Young lady, I know you won't be able to abide by the norms of our society but, at least, behave like a civilized person. You're a Princess, people look up to you. You should know better." "Mother, I understand what you're talking about but, I just can't live a life full of lies and fake people. I would love to see the world. Won't you let me go to the country side?"- Lindsay was shocked that those words just left her mouth. She hadn't planned to ask her mother so soon. She had always wanted to go to the country side and get a life of her own where she would start from the bottom, achieve something on her own and do what she loved-writing. She had always loved books and literature. She was sure she could make it her occupation but, being a Princess, all she could do was stay in the palace, marry a Prince and then, spend her whole life being overlapped by the Prince's public image. Normally, Royal people would teach the boys sword fighting and battle strategies and the girls are taught the process of home-making and cooking but, her passion was writing. All she wanted to do was pour out her feelings and she believed people would relate to her book and they would see a side of the Princess they had never seen. They would see through her public image and realize there is more than just ball-gowns and luxuries. 

"What? Country side? That's the rural part; you won't get these comforts there. I'm not letting you go."-Her mother's words shattered her plans. "Mother, please, see, I would come back if my plan doesn't work out. But, please let me try first. 'I'm afraid, this not going to happen my dear. Go back to your room." She hung her head low as she entered her room and sat on the edge of her bed. "Will I spend my whole life trapped here? Will I never do what I love?"-she wondered as she took out a pile of loose sheets she wrote her thoughts and ideas on. She had a dream that one day she would publish it and be successful because of her work and not because of being a princess. All she wanted to do was- go to the country side, write and publish her books, promote them and wait for people to read them. If she got success then, she would continue to work there but, if she didn't, she would come back but, her mother wasn't ready to listen to a single word she said. 


Sorry for a short update.

Thanks for reading. :)

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