Chapter 5

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Lindsay glared at Mr. Paulson and crossed her arms over her chest and said with a superior sneer- "You know I can get you fired from your job, right? "Princess, I don't fear anyone, I have been given a job by your father because he trusts me and I won't fail in performing my duties."-Mr. Paulson retorted. She returned her gaze to Harry who was awkwardly standing there watching both of them argue. "I think he is harmless, you don't need to worry. I'm all grown up; I'm not a little girl who needs help with everything. I know what I'm doing and it's best for me take my own decisions. I hope you understand, I don't want to disrespect you Mr. Paulson but, just because my father gave you the responsibility to help me find a shelter doesn't mean you have complete control over me. I have made up my mind; I'm going to be staying with Harry."-Lindsay said firmly and no words came out of Mr. Paulson's mouth. Harry smiled victoriously at Mr. Paulson as he shrugged.

"Okay, princess. I want you to stay out of trouble. You can do whatever you want. Hey, Harry, where do you live?"-Mr. Paulson asked him. "Just a little further downhill from here. I have my own farm and a cottage. There will be a plenty of room for the Princess."-Harry tried to convince him as Lindsay grinned. "Okay, our relationship definitely didn't have a good start, but, I assure you, I'm not a bad person. I'm just very protective of Lindsay."-he held his hand out to shake Harry's. Harry gladly shook his hand and Lindsay said "Okay, so we should head downhill before it gets darker. Both of them nodded as they walked towards the path where Harry directed them to.

"This is the place, I hope you like it."-Harry said gesturing towards a cottage. It was an old English cottage with a front lawn. It was painted in brown and it looked big enough for both of them. "My farm is on the other side and a there's a coup for my poultry birds too. I know this is very simple and you have a lot of facilities and fancy things back home in your palace but, I would try to do my best to make you comfortable."-Harry looked at both of them, who were still admiring the cottage. "This is perfect for my stay Mr. Paulson. I'm sure you are quite satisfied with this cottage too. This place is peaceful and working on my books from here will be easy as no one can disturb me. Sometimes you need to escape from the city. Harry, I'll pay you monthly. You are doing me a huge favour. Thank you."-Lindsay said gleefully. "No problem princess."-Harry replied. "Now, let's get your luggage settled."-Mr. Paulson clasped his hands together and Harry led both of them inside by opening the huge, rusty, iron gate. Lindsay was already loving the place and she was getting a good feeling of starting something fresh.

Harry slid the key in the lock and the door opened with a creak. "Wow, you have a nice house."-Lindsay said as she took a tour around the brick-walled house. There was a fireplace, a balcony and his house was neat, nothing was out of place. The air smelt good and homely. The utensils in the kitchen were neatly arranged and the dining table was set. The furniture was in archaic style. "I'm glad that you liked it. There are two bedrooms. I'll show you both of them and then, you can pick one."-Harry said as he led her to another corridor with two rooms. She took a good look at both of them. They were almost similar with a queen size bed and blue curtains but, the one on the right was a little bit more spacious than the other one. So, she chose it and Harry said he will be staying in the room next to her just in case she needed something. Mr. Paulson set all her luggage in the room she chose and gave her a little speech about responsibility, trust and safety before leaving. She just shook her head and said she will be fine and is old enough to take care of herself.

After Mr. Paulson left, she was sitting all alone I her room, thinking about when she will start working on her books. She was in a tranquil place where clearing her mind up was easy. Her thoughts were clearer here than the palace because here there was no pressure on her to act like a princess, she could be herself and not get judged. She was away from all the people who forced her to be something she was not; she now knew what actual freedom felt like.

A knock on the door broke the train of her thoughts as she sat up and straightened her gown. "Come in."-she said. "Hello princess, I'm here to make sure that you have made yourself comfortable. I understand that this is not as good as your palace but, I'll try to make your stay happy and send you back with good memories. Guests are equivalent to god and I don't have them very often here but, since you are here, I'll cater to all your needs and make sure you are fine."-Harry spoke truthfully. He was a bit worried too because having a princess living with him was a huge responsibility and he didn't want her to think that he was a bad host. He was doing everything he could to make her feel at home- trying to make conversations with her and checking the house to make sure everything was clean and neatly arranged. He badly needed money and he sure wasn't ready to have a guest but, once he came to know that the princess is looking for a home to rent he couldn't stop himself from making an offer of her staying at his home. He thought that she's a princess and she will pay a hefty amount to him and he might even learn some valuable lessons for life from her as she appeared to be a headstrong young lady who was determined to make her own living even though she was a Royal.

"Don't compare your cottage to my palace. It was big and fancy but, it wasn't happy like yours. My words may not be making any sense to you right now but, I want to say having a lot of money isn't everything, you tend to lose the smallest things in life as you are too busy running behind the bigger ones but, what you don't know is- the smallest things make you the happiest. I appreciate every little thing and I'm grateful that you let me stay here."-Lindsay meant every word that came out of her mouth and she was genuinely elated. "Princess, I love the fact that you are so different from the other Royal people. You aren't haughty at all and you are so down to earth. I'm lucky to have you here."-Harry complimented her with a cheesy smile and then tried to keep up with the conversation-"So, you want to write books, right? What would like to write about?" She cleared her throat and said-"I would love to write about the problems common people face in their lives. Some psychological problems and some things people will relate easily to. They will be able to connect to my book and realize that I'm just one of them, being a princess doesn't make my any less of a human. I will also show many sides of mine while writing; I'm more than just a princess." "I can see that."-his emerald eyes were full of all the admiration he had for the young princess. He felt proud of himself for making the choice to let her rent his house because not only she was paying a hefty amount but, her wisdom and her wish to be one of the common people was something out of ordinary, it was beautiful.


My twitter- ria17sep

I updated this story after so long though.. I'll try to do it frequently.

Thanks for reading. :)

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