Lucy Bronze - Always protect you

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Everyone loves Lucy Bronze so I hope you enjoy this one as it took me a little longer to write it! Also guys I do not speak Spanish so I'm sorry if I got any of it wrong 😑

I'm awaken by the very loud birds outside my apartment on a sunny game day. Yes, I play for Barcelona along with my girlfriend of 4 years, Lucy Bronze. We had met when I moved to Barcelona 5 years ago and we played against each other for the first time as I used to play for Real Madrid.

I turned to my peacefully sleeping girlfriend and took in how beautiful she is the morning, her brunette hair messy and all over the place, her lips slightly parted and her arms side by side. I quietly grabbed my phone and checked the time. Still an hour before I should be awake . I thought to myself annoyed while I silently got out of bed so as to not wake Lucy.

I closed our bedroom door and went out into our small kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. While I was waiting I thought about the game ahead. We were playing Real Madrid, my former club. And I was focused on one person, my once best friend, Hayley Raso. We were once inseparable until we had a major falling out. She didn't want me to move clubs and it got pretty heated. She ended up giving me a black eye and many bruises that night.

That incident replays in my head daily and it hurts me to think about it. I miss her. I think to myself unwillingly, I don't want to miss her, she wasn't a good person or friend. I realise that now.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear our bedroom door open and Lucy walks out. "Morning babe" she says in her morning voice, extremely sexy.
"Morning darling" I reply, flashing her a smile. As I turn around to finish making my coffee I feel strong arms snake their way around my waist. I squeal in surprise and crane my neck to see what she wants.

Before I could speak however, she presses her lips to mine and kisses me. I'm surprised but recover quickly as I deepen the kiss. Before it could go any further though, Lucy pulls away and winks at me. She walks away and I can't help but blush. She truly is something else.

I sit on the lounge with Lucy drinking my coffee when she asks, "How are you feeling about the game, love" She knows what happened with Hayley so I assume that is what she is referring to. "Good, I hope it all goes well" I reply sadly, thinking about Hayley. Lucy notices my sudden change in mood and pulls me in for a hug. "I'll be there, it's going to be okay alright, love" she whispers to me softly.

A little while later I'm once again in a happier mood and me and Lucy are getting ready to leave. "Got everything, love!" Lucy yells up the stairs and I yell back "Yep" before running down the stairs with our bags. "Woah woah, easy there tiger" Lucy laughs at my sudden burst of energy. We make sure we have everything we need and get in the car to leave.

We are playing away today at Real Madrid's home stadium. As we are driving to our training ground to catch the bus I begin to feel nervous again, Lucy picks up on this and puts her hand on my thigh as she knows it will calm me. I look over at her and smile and she smiles back.

We arrive at the training ground and see all of the other girls. We get out of the car with our bags and go over to them. Lucy goes to talk with Kiera and I go to talk with Mapi. "Hey maps" I smile at the defender. "Hola" she smiles back and we chat and laugh until the bus arrives

I sit next to Lucy and Ona on the bus and fall asleep pretty fast as I woke early this morning.

I am shaken awake by Lucy signally we have arrived and get my bags to get off the bus. I really didn't expect to see the opposing team straight away, but they are here. Lucy walks alongside me and basically blocks me from their view as she is taller than me. We get to our dressing room and our coach comes in to talk with us. "Alright girls, you have ten minutes to be ready for warm ups" he spoke and we all nodded in agreement.

After everyone gets their away kit on we all go out onto the pitch. There is quite a crowd and it makes me happy that so many people are interested in women's football.

We did a few simple drills, warm ups and stretches before the Real Madrid team comes out to warm up. I look over to the team and spot Hayley, who is already looking at me and I immediately look away, hoping she hadn't  noticed. Of course she noticed. I think and continue stretching. We have to go back into the dressing room shortly after and wait for Alexia Putellas to give her pep talk as she is the captain.

"Muy bien chicas. (Very well girls) Ellas son rapidas. (they are fast) Pero nosotras somos más rápidas. (but we are faster) Les hemos vencido antes y podemos hacerlo de nuevo, entendido.(we have defeated them before we can do it again,understood)" Alexia spoke in her native language as we all can speak Spanish. "comprendida!" (understood) everyone yelled.

We all are prepared to go into the hall and await the start of the game, my nerves becoming strong once again. I stand in between Lucy and Aitana Bonmatì for minutes before we head out onto the pitch. It was an agonizing while before the match actually started, of course I was on the starting team like I always was and Hayley was as well, looking me dead in the eye. In that moment I wanted the ground to swallow me whole but I just closed my eyes and blocked her out.

The game began and we have the most possession but not many chances to score. It could have been anyone's game in the beginning. I was not playing my best in the first 20 minutes of the first half as I was on Hayley's wing. But I couldn't let her affect the way I play today. By half time I was already burnt out. Nothing eventful happened except a few shoves from Hayley on me and other players but that wasn't much.

Lucy told me she would watch Hayley and make sure she didn't do anything she would regret and I honestly felt safe with her around, however she was on the opposite side of the pitch which makes me uneasy whilst I'm playing.

The beginning of the second half rolls around and I am back on the same wing as Hayley and I am feeling a little more confident. In the 68th minute I was open and called for the ball. Aitana passed me the ball and I was running down the right wing, ball at my feet, dribbling through at least 3 Real Madrid defenders, including Hayley, before they could tackle me.

(shoot) Ona yells as she is almost right beside me, guarded by defenders. So I went for it. I watched the ball leave my boot as if it was in slow motion. I watch as it just skims the goalkeepers fingertips and flies into the top right corner. I run to the left corner flag and do a knee slide, my signature celebration. Lucy gets to me first and puts her arms around my neck from behind me, as I'm still on the ground. "Yes babe" she says sounding genuinely proud of me

"Entra allí!"(Get in there) Mapi yells and jumps on my shoulders once I have gotten up. I just laugh and hug everyone, Lucy staying by my side the whole time. 

We walk back to our positions and get ready to continue. The ball is played by Real Madrid and they are in possession. A few more opportunities opening but we are able to defend their shots and passes.

It is the 85th minute when I have the ball at my feet once again because of a pass I intercepted, I quickly pass to Mapi. As I watched Mapi receive the ball I feel myself become suddenly severely winded to the point I couldn't breathe. I fall to the ground and look up slowly to see Hayley smirking over me, looking satisfied.

I am still lying on the ground when I hear yelling. I could barely make out the words but I focus extremely hard on them until I can. "¿Por qué harías eso?" (Why would you do that?) I hear Ona yell over everyone. I slowly sit up and see that half of my teammates are surrounding Hayley, including Lucy, and they're all yelling at her. The other half talking to the ref.

"I can't understand your Spanish" Hayley says almost sarcastically with a smirk and looks over at me, winking. In that moment I see Lucy step in front of everyone and grab Hayley by her shirt, pulling her closer so she can hear.

"If you ever touch her again I will not hesitate to hurt you Raso" Lucy speaks, her words dripping with anger. She lets her go and pushes her away, Hayley looked like she had seen a ghost. The ref calls her over and she goes, receiving a red card for her antics.

Lucy rushes to my side and helps me to stand, my breathing easing back to normal. "Thank you, Luce" I breathe, hugging her. "I'll always protect you, my love" Lucy cups the back of my head pulling me closer.

I felt safe in her embrace.

1160 words! So what did you all think? I am planning on writing part 2 to "What is wrong with you" very soon so look out for that!

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