Mary Earps - What is wrong with you Part 2

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Hey everyone! Sorryyy I haven't published more today but this will probably be the one and only for today. This whole thing I going to be told in you point of view.

I wake up to the bright, morning sun, shining in my face. Memories from earlier today slowly flooding their way back to me. I groan, remembering who was responsible for my current displeasure, the girl I only wanted to help, the girl I thought I might be able to fix. Well, I guess she proved me wrong today.

Two nurses walk through the door to my hospital room with warm, gentle smiles on their faces, I patiently await the news on my injury.

"Hello Miss Y/n, glad to see you awake" one of them smiles down at me, I read her name tag and discover that her name is Susan. "We had to run some tests on you while you were asleep and unfortunately, Y/n, you have sustained a severe broken nose and a grade 2 concussion" She continues, sounding sympathetic.

I look at her in disbelief, not wanting to believe my injuries were that bad. I know that I will most likely be out for at least 4 weeks, possibly longer, I fight to hold back my tears of frustration and anger. It was all Mary, it was her fault, this never would have happened if she had been more careful.

"How long will I be out for?" I shakily ask the nurse, highly nervous for her response. "Probably 5 weeks at the most dear" She answers my question and I finally allow the tears to fall. 5 weeks?. I think to myself, in denial. That's almost to the end of the season. As this thought crossed my mind, my waterfall of tears becomes a lot more aggressive and I start to have a mental breakdown. That wasn't good.

By this point the nurses had left me alone with my deadly thoughts and they wouldn't stop to give my mind a break. I am now struggling with my breathing and the air was not passing through as it should, I begin to panic. I put a hand to my chest and attempt to control my heart rate.

After a few seconds of trying it was no use, I continueto hyperventilate on the hospital bed and the nurses are nowhere to be seen. I have always struggled to control my severe panic attacks and no one is ever able to control them for me. Right now my brain is all foggy and I can't think straight no matter how hard I try.

I bring my hands to cover my face as I try desperately to think about something else, I hear multiple sets of feet walk into my room and I groan aloud as I don't want anyone to see me in this state. "Y/n! Oh my gosh!" I hear someone yell and rush over to my bed, I wonder who it is but I don't remove my hands from my face as I know I am a mess, my breathing still uneven.

"Hey, it's okay listen to me. Listen to my breathing and follow" the mysterious voice speaks calmly and I figure that it is likely Katie or Ella. However I find it weird that I don't recognise their voice, I just figured my mind was too cloudy to recognise them.

I follow their instructions and focus on their breathing, immediately calming down. I'm extremely surprised that this person calmed me down so fast and so I remove my hands from my tear stained face to finally find out who my saviour is.

I am almost startled back into a panic attack when I see the person I least expect too, Mary Earps. I run my eyes cautiously over her face and see that she looks quite defeated but my anger doesn't deflate one bit upon seeing her this way, in fact it flares up again. She should not be the one to feel this way.

"You shouldn't be here" I state sternly to the tall girl beside me. I see a wave of disappointment pass over her face before she quickly composes herself again and her face turns stone cold, unreadable. She nods and walks out, leaving me to notice the other three girls in the room.

"Oh, hey guys" I say quietly and they walk over. "Oh Y/n", Ella is the first one to speak and she hugs me. I hug her back and look to the others, Katie and Lucía García, two of the girls at united that I'm closest with, along with Ella. "How are you doing?" Katie asks, sending me a small smile. I attempt a smile back but fail. "Not too bad" I lie, not wanting them to worry.

"Y/n?" Lucía says and I look to her, pulling away from Ella. "Yes?" I reply, curious. "Mary is really worried about you" she states and I turn to the others, they just nod their heads. "I don't care" I reply, cold heartedly. The truth is, I am still angry with her and I have a right to be, I know that. "Maybe you should talk to her?" Katie suggests and I just shrug, did I want to do that?

Later, after the girls left, I was able to leave the hospital, after being instructed to wear a bandage on my nose for a week and come in for an appointment in a week. I drive myself to my apartment, ready to finally have a good sleep. The doctor had informed me that I needed decent rest because of the head injury I had sustained. So as soon as I get home I take a shower, change into my pyjamas and go straight to sleep.

The next day I decide that I will attend training even if I am unable to participate.

I arrive there a little earlier than I usually would but I decide to go into the dressing room anyway as I figure at least someone I can talk to will be there.

I walk into the dressing room and at first glance there appears to be no one in here. But when I take another look around I spot a green figure in the corner tying their bootlaces. No one else in the squad wears green for training except the goalkeeper. I internally groan and attempt to make a silent escape.

I am almost fully out of the doorway when I hear, "Y/n, that you?" I stop dead in my tracks and make the quick decision to keep walking and not even acknowledge the fact I heard her.

I am halfway down the hall when I hear her again, "Y/n please wait, I need to talk to you" she pleads from the doorway and I turn around and reluctantly reply, "make it quick" and she sighs a breath of relief before walking toward me. "Look, I know what I did was completely out of line" she pauses and I take the opportunity to let her know what my intentions were when I first met her.

"Yeah it was wrong and I only wanted to help you, you know that right?" I state, eyebrows raised. She looks at me and I couldn't help but feel something inside of me stir at her gaze, the same one I had felt at training the day prior. I just ignore it. "I didn't think anyone would ever bother" she states, looking at me in disbelief.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I scoff, genuinely curious about why she finds it so unbelievable. "It's just" she pauses, clearly searching for words, then continues, "my old club, they don't exactly care too much about their players, you know. If someone tried to have fun instead of focusing on the game ahead or whatever, they would be punished in one way or another" she whispers the last bit, almost to herself.

"I'm so sorry for how I treated you I was just so used to being serious constantly and you all weren't, I just, I didn't know how to feel. And I have all these mixed emotions toward you and I thought it was just because I hate you but I don't think it is" she pauses, looking me in the eye and I begin to feel the same tingling feeling, this time a lot stronger. "I know it's no excuse, but-"

Without thinking I stand on my tip toes and place a kiss to her cheek, leaving her extremely shocked.

"I-I'm, why?" She asks, confused and I just giggle, "shh, I forgive you" I whisper and walk away. I don't know what compelled me to forgive her but her explanation just drained me of all anger I had toward her.

It all had finally clicked in my head. There was a reason for her actions. Maybe something more?

1478 words! I may make a part 3 we'll see!

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