Hayley Raso - I miss you

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Hey everyone, sorry for not being active for a few days but I felt like writing something about Hayley so here you go xx

Playing for my country and my home, Australia, has always been an achievable dream for me as I am a professional football player and have been since I was 18 years old. I made my debut for Brisbane roar, an Australian team, exactly 7 years ago. I am currently playing for Manchester city in the wsl.

I met my girlfriend of 7 years, Hayley Raso, when we both played for Brisbane roar. She had played there for a couple of years before I had signed and she then signed for Manchester City and was forced to move to England without me. We knew that a long distance relationship would be difficult to manage but we somehow made it work, that's how I knew we were meant to be. After 2 years I was finally picked up by Manchester City and could live with Hayley. But of course with my luck she was offered a record deal from Real Madrid and now lives in Spain.


I wake up this morning knowing that national team call ups are today. I don't get my hopes up because I know I'll be heartbroken if I don't get a call up.

I take a refreshing warm shower to clear my head and head downstairs to make myself some breakfast, avocado on toast to be specific. After washing the dishes and doing some quick house chores I decide to FaceTime Hayley.

She picks up almost immediately and smiles through the camera.

"Morning babe"

"Hey love, how are you"

"Good, hoping for a call up" I flash an uneasy smile into the camera and see Hayley mirroring my smile.

"I have a feeling this time, Y/n" she sounds so sure so I hang onto to her words and can only hope she's right.


A little while later I end the call with Hayley and get ready for 1:00 pm, to see if I receive a call from Tony.

12:57, almost there.

12:58, what happens if I don't get a call?

12:59. Oh my god, this could be it.

As my phone shows 1:00 pm I feel my breath hitch in my throat and my heart quicken. I await the call in suspense. The clock ticks to 1:01 and 1:02 and still no call.

I sigh and try my best to stay strong, no tears. When I am startled by my phone ringing. My heart practically jumps out of my chest as I read, 'no caller ID' on my screen.

"Hello, Y/n speaking" I say into the phone, not wanting to sound to excited nor uninterested. "Hello
Y/n, this is Tony" He spoke and I internally screamed. "I just want to let you know you have been selected in the upcoming World Cup squad" Once I heard these words I had to hold back the tears of joy.

"Thank you so much, I'm elated" I say and can't help the tears of relief and joy that spill their way out of my eyes. "Of course, Y/n, I have seen many of your recent performances and I am very happy with your skillset" He says, complimenting me. "Thank you so much" I reply through a waterfall of tears.

"No problem, I will send you the details for everything okay Y/n" he says finally and we end the call. I sit on the floor and cry my heart out. Happy tears of course. I had finally made it.

After some time on my own, I instantly call Hayley to let her know she was right, she was always right. "Hey babe" I say into the phone, jumping with excitement to hear her reaction to my news. "Hi sweet, you okay" she smirks into the camera. "I got a call up" I say simply, waiting for her response.

I see her smile becomes wider and she seems too stunned to speak. "Say something, babe" I laugh and admire her. "I'm so so proud of you Y/n, I wish I could be with you right now" she finally says and it honestly makes my heart swell. "I know, baby, but we'll see each other soon and hopefully share a room" I smirk, winking at her. I see her face go crimson and I laugh.

"I know but I miss you" she pouts. "Me too baby, me too" I say and begin to think about seeing her in exactly a week. "Anyways baby I have to get going because I have team bonding but I love and I'll call you tonight, okay?" she ends with an "I love you" and we are on our way.

I truly miss that girl by my side all the time.


776 words, short but sweet.

I am also accepting requests by PM or comments xx

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