The breakup

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Tim:"So you mean to tell me that my girlfriend was dating the idiot that we brought in!?"

Lucy:"yes but I need to go question him now." *leaves*
Tim follows her into the interogation room
Jayson:" Lucy , where is my daughter!"
Lucy: " She is not your daughter Jayson , she is mine  you left me for Ashley . I was seventeen when I found out  I was pregnant , the same day when I went to your place I saw you with her!"
Jayson: " How do you know her nane!?"
○Tim was in shock  at the fact that lucy was seventeen when she got pregnant and that ashley hid that she was in a relationship prior to tim  although he told her about his past relationship.

Lucy: " enough of that , What is your relationship with Ashley ?"

Jayson: "She is my girlfriend and she is the mother of my unborn baby" *smirks*

○ Lucy was shockd but then she remembered tim was dating ashley.
□After questioning him about what happened at the school.□

Lucy: "Ok  thats all I need." An officer came and took jayson to a cell and she went to see tim with tears in his eyes.
Lucy: " sir, are you ok ?"
Tim: "Im fine bo-" All of a sudden he feels  some one hug him and looks to see lucy hugging him and he broke  down crying.

Lucy: "shhh its going to be alright sir"
Tim: " She practically lied to me , she said that the baby was mine and she wasnt in a relationship before me!"

□After a while , Tim and lucy got up and left the interogation room□

Tim: "Thanks boot."
Lucy: "No problem sir." *lucy smile as tim looks at her*
□ After shift lucy is walking out of the station with Zariah whe she sees tim and ashley Argueing□

Tim:"No Ashley, We are done , I dont to see or hear from you again!"
  Ashley: *looks at him and walks offbut turns and sees lucy * ("wait ..... is that lucy?!" )


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