When the realization hits

911 11 1

Lucy: *sees Ashley looking at her and turns the other way*
Ashley:( "I deserve this.")
Tim:*sees lucy and walks up to her* "Please tell you didnt see that."

Lucy: "I did sir . Are you good"
Tim:" Im fine boot"
○Lucy started to hate when he called her that name but shrugged it off○
Lucy: "Goodnight sir." *she says as she looks into his eyes*
Tim:"Night." * stares into her eyes*
○They both realize what they were doing ,  turned and went their separate ways○

□ The next day , Lucy dropped off Zariah and was heading to the station when she saw two people argueing,  so  she stoppd the car□
Lucy:"Whats going here ?"
Woman: "This idiot decided to rear end my car!"
Man:"You were in my way as you stopped at a green light to text"* he said as he was clearly drunk*
Woman:* Punches the man in face and the man hits her back*
Lucy:"Enough , both of you  are under arrest for texting while driving and drinking while driving!"

○Lucy puts both of the in the back of her car and drove to the station○

Lucy:* walks in with the two people ti realize she was late for role call as she say everyone looking at her shocked* "Sorry im late sir."
Grey: "Its ok chen , everyone you are dismissed."

○A few hours later○
Dispatch: "7-Adam-19 , A report came in about a domestic Violence at 3429 on Melrose drive"
Lucy :" 7-Adam-19 , Show us responding."
○ On the way to the adress she looks over at tim who looks at but turns back to look at the road and she smiles and  they arrive they heard gunshots○
Tim:"boot  stay behind me!"
Lucy :"yes sir."
The two walks up to the door to see open so they entered.
Lucy:*Sees a man standing in front of a woman who has a gunshot wound to  her abdomen* "LAPD! drop the gun!"
The man does not listen
Lucy:"I said Drop the gu-"* the man raises the gun and shoots chen in her stomach but then she shoots his leg and the both of them fell*
Tim: *Runs over* "CHEN!" *he see her holding her side while trying to stop the woman from bleeding*
Lucy: "T-Tim!" *she looks at him*
Tim say in his radio "This is officer Tim Bradford I need multiple  RA's and backup , officer chen is down!"
Tim goes and holds lucy's head up while putting pressure on the wound
Lucy: "Sir, I-i need y-ou to do something  f-or  me."
Tim :"what is it chen?" *He says trying not to tear up*
Lucy:"Go to West Lake Elementary and Ask for Zariah Chen and please take care of her for me."
Tim: " I will lucy."*he looks at her as her body go limp and shakes her for her to wake her up*
As back up arrived , they see tim covered in blood holding chen and they take the man and woman to the hospital
Grey: "Tim, We have to bring lucy to the hospital."
Tim stands while carryinglucy and walks out leaving everyine in shock of how much blood he was covered in
Tim:"Im going to the staion and change I have to do something."
Grey: "What is it?"
Tim:" Go pick up her daughter." *tim looks at Wade with tears in his eyes and gets in the shop and drives off as the ambulance that lucy is in rushes to the hospital*.
○ On the way back to the station , Tim lets a few tears fall before wiping them . He gets to the station , changes and gets in his truck and drives to school but on his way there  , the realization hits as he realized that he fell for his rookie○

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