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Its been 2 weeks since the wedding,Tim and Lucy decided to buy a new house which was close to Angela and the others. It was Tim and Lucy first day back to work.

Lucy:"Hey babe!"
Lucy:"Can you come here?"
Tim walks into the room to see Lucy  wearing his clothes.
Lucy takes his hands and he feels the baby kick.
Tim:"Oh my god." He kneels and kisses her belly.
Lucy:"Ok babe lets get to work.
Tim goes to Zariah and the three of them of got in tge truck and left. They dropped Zariah off at school.
Lucy:*Talking to tim when she saw Rachel and chris* "Uh babe?"
Lucy:"look." She point at the two as she and tim walk to the door.
Chris:"Lucy, Can I talk to you?"
Lucy looks at tim and he nods his head.
Chris takes lucy over to a quiet spot.(Chris does not know that Lucy is Married or Pregnant.)
Chris:"I wanted to tell you that I like you."
Lucy:"Chris ,I am flattered but I am married."
Chris:"Dont lie!"
Lucy:"I am not ."
Rachel walks over to the two "Lucy dont lie to him."
Lucy:"I am lying ,I am married ."
Lucy looks at tim and he walks over.
Tim:"Babe ,You ready?"
Chris:"You said you were married ! Why is Bradford calling you babe,Cheater?!"
Tim:"I would like for you to not talk to my wife that way please."
Rachel:"You married Tim!"
Lucy:"Yeah is that a problem?"
Chris:"Yeah ,Isnt he your boss?"
Tim:"Lucy is  a dective and I am a
Rachel:"I heard you have a child , Are they tim's?"
Lucy:"No, she isnt but this one is." She rubs her belly.
Chris:"I cant deal with this,If I cant have you no one else can."
He grabs lucy and stabs her in her shoulder.

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