73. "You can scream at me, you can even hit me. I'll still be there for you."

166 69 46

(2097 words)

*6 months later*

I stood in shock staring at the double lines. My knees felt weak and my heart started beating erratically. I wasn't sure what to think or how to feel. It came at an unexpected time. Something I hadn't really thought of or prepared for.

What would happen now?

A knock on the bathroom door made me jump.

"Mihrimah, are you okay? You've been in there for ages." Blayze's concerned voice came through.

I was too stunned to speak. "I... I'm constipated." I blurted without forethought, blinking at my pale reflection in the mirror as I realised what I had said.

There was a short pause. "Are you doing okay? Should I grab some laxatives from the pharmacy?" He asked gently.

I gulped nervously. "No... I'll be fine. I'll be out in a few minutes."


I returned my attention to the pregnancy test in my hand. The one that I had taken after I missed my period. I was baffled and scared. I didn't know if I was ready to have a baby. What scared me more was what Blayze's reaction would be. Was he ready to have a baby? After all, we had literally never talked about having babies. Not a single mention or even an implication. What if he got mad? What if he said he didn't want the baby? What if he left me? What if he asked me to abort it?

I stared at my panicked expression in the mirror. I was pale as a ghost. My hands holding the pregnancy test were shaking. We always used condoms. Even after marriage. It was an unspoken thing we always did before each intercourse... until a few weeks ago when we returned home from an event all horny from a steamy foreplay session in our car, and did the deed without remembering to use a condom. None of us verbally acknowledged it afterwards. Blayze didn't say anything, and I kept quiet too as pregnancy wasn't even a thought that occurred to me.

But now here I was. Pregnant. I had a baby growing inside of me. Oh my God. I had a baby growing inside of me. I blinked at my reflection as the words registered themselves in my mind. Lifting my shirt, I noticed my slightly protruding belly that I attributed to not working out as frequently due to my workload at the office. I rubbed it gently. I had a baby inside of me. My baby. Our baby.

I took a deep breath and unlocked the door, before walking out of the bathroom with my pregnancy test in my hand behind my back. I met Blayze's concerned gaze as I neared our bed. He was sitting on my side, and I noticed a cup on my nightstand with steam coming out of it.

"Are you okay, sunshine?" He asked.

I gulped, nodding my head slowly.

"Here. Have this." He said, lifting the cup from the nightstand and extending it toward me.

"What's this?" I cleared my throat to ask.

"Peppermint tea. I just read on Google that it's good for constipation." He answered.

Oh Blayze. I'm not actually constipated. My problem is entirely different, and I don't even know how you will react.

I teared up, sniffling, causing confusion to flash over his face. He put the cup back on the nightstand and stood up from the bed, walking up to me. Holding my face in both of his hands, he wiped an escaped tear with his thumb.

"What's wrong, sunshine? Are you in pain?" He asked gently.

"Blayze..." my voice came out as a whisper. "I'm... I need to tell you something."

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