Forever, The Blaze In My Heart

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(2254 words)


I pushed open the front door of my house, throwing my hair back over my shoulder as I entered. I had finished my work at the office early so I could come home to surprise Blayze and spend more time with him. He had taken the day off from work.

We had been really busy recently, barely having any time to ourselves, so I was beyond excited to cuddle up with him and watch a movie or something.

I jogged up the stairs, finding it hilarious how excited I was to see my husband as if I didn't literally live with him. Pushing the door to our bedroom open, my thumping heart stilled and my feet halted in their track as I neared our bed.

My heart stood still at the sight before me.

Him in bed. With...

I cleared my throat, catching him by surprise. His surprised gaze met mine as he turned to look back to where I stood, narrowing at my expression that reflected the betrayal I felt.

I sniffled, taking a deep breath before I spoke. "I knew it..." my tone dripped disappointment. "I knew it would come down to this one day. You with another... girl."

He rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Mihrimah."

"How could you do this to me?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes once more, pulling our asleep one year old daughter closer to his chest. "Shhh," he chastised. "I just put her to sleep."

My face broke into a grin, as I dropped the melodramatic act I was feigning. Walking up to the bed, I sat at the edge to kiss my little angel's head, before I pressed my lips to my husband's.

"You're not getting jealous of my little one, are you?" He raised his eyebrows jokingly.

"I am. You don't hold me like that anymore." I pouted, feigning sadness again.

His eyebrows shot up more. "I don't?"

"Nope." I lied.

"You're lucky Aylin's asleep in my arms right now, or else I would have bent you over my knee and spanked you." His delicious threat sent a shiver down my spine, settling in my core that suddenly became desperately ablaze, longing for his attention.

It had been a while since we had made love. Little Aylin had kept us busy. Becoming parents was a challenging task, yet so worthwhile and fulfilling. She was our little bundle of joy. A missing piece that perfected and completed our love story. And just like Blayze desired, she was a mini copy of me. Her eyes, however, were exactly like her father's, and hence, were my favourite part of hers. Whenever her big, hazel eyes looked into mine, everything in the world suddenly aligned for me.

Blayze had been an amazing father, and an utterly incredible support for me. From labour to my recovery, he was patient and understanding, loving and comforting. He would stay up on nights to calm Aylin when she became fussy so I could get enough sleep. He volunteered in changing diapers. He was a perfect husband and father in every way.

His thumb caressing my lower lip, brought me out of my thoughts. My core shuddered, begging for at least a touch. His eyes burned with the same flames of desire that had set me ablaze.

"I miss your touch." I confessed softly.

He chuckled softly, his voice husky as he spoke. "I touch you everyday."

"You know what I mean." I breathed out as his thumb continued to sensually stroke down to the sensitive skin of my neck.

"I don't think I do... could you be more precise?" He teased, amusement dancing in his eyes.

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