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Long time ago in this very world we live, there lived a king who was known for his good looks and a charming smile that made every woman want to be married to him as his concubine. His name was king Osbert Bolverkr. A marvelous, king who loved his people a king who was always there for his people, a king who loved the rich and the poor and treated them equally as if they all were family.
Later after a tear of his reign, his mother: the queen mother wanted him to marry. A thousand women lined to get a perfect chance to be the queen of the most handsome man in the land. It took days, more and more women lined for the opportunity. Day after another, they came from cities and lands beyond but none of them got the chance. He dismissed them all, he liked none of them.
Hearing this, the queen mother became very worried, her old age and poor health got the best of her and she fell ill. She was bedridden and the advisor of the king urged him to choose any of the women so his mother's health would improve at least but the stubborn king would not listen to anyone.
At that very moment the daughter of the late merchant of the city: Salvina Dasya was done burying her late mother who was attacked by bandits on his way from the market stores. She was strong - willed but the fact that she had no one left in the family to be with her tore her apart. She had heard the news about the great king seeking a bride, if she would be the bride of the king that meant at least she would have a place to sleep eat and something to put on. It was better than living a lonely desolate poor life as a peasant while her family was previously rich and well known. She packed a few descent clothes in her dirty little bag and made her way to the palace, it was the late evening when she got there. She was drenched in the rain; her eyes were puffy from the crying. She had mourned her mother for the past five days: it was a great loss for her but who would understand except her alone? She was a miracle baby, she was born to her parents when they were in old age, they had sought a child for years but they wouldn't bear a child. Like a miracle, after fasting for weeks her mother Rose and her pompous father Titus were finally able to bear a child; Salvina Dasya {salvation is a gift from God} for her mother, her child was like salvation. A release from her shame and suffering.
when Salvina was twelve, her father a rich business man and merchant fell in the hands of an opponent and was brutally killed. The man had no shame, he even grabbed their wealth leaving her and her mother in a small house at the edge of the woods. She was sad and her mother was even sadder, even if the king managed to get them justice, it was still a loss for the two of them. The wounds were fresh for a long time and it bothered her that her mother, her only family would also leave her. Her fears became real when her mother was attacked by a gang of bandits and died a few days ago. She was alone, just fifteen years old and now she was an orphan with nowhere to go. The king was her only hope. As the rain fell and pierced her delicate white skin, making her black cotton dress stick on her lean body she made her way to the castle. Her eyes were sad but a tiny flame of hope burnt within her, she hoped and prayed that the king would have mercy on her. She arrived at the front of the castle where guards lined the gate. She stumbled forward and fell, a guard rushed over and helped her to her feet. "What are you looking for kid?" the guard asked "The king!" she answered tiredly "You cannot see the king at this moment, he is not in. besides, it is late and you are a child you cannot see the king!""I must see the king today, tomorrow will be too late for me, I must see him today!" she answered "please let me see the king, your kindness will be worth it someday!""what are you talking about little miss?""What are you arguing about?" the head guard cut in walking out of the shade by the gate "Massimos, who is this? A beggar? What does she want? Who sent such a feeble creature to die here?""I would like to see the king!" Salvina answered. "I wasn't talking to you beggar!" the guard yelled at her."She wants to see the king" Massimos responded his head kept low. "What for? An insect wants to see the king? Don't you find that hilarious Massimos?"Massimo's said nothing he just kept his head low. "Please sir ...the guard pushed her off as she tried to grab his robe and beg, her lean body was too weak to withstand the strength of a grown military man. She flew backwards landing against a tough object and a hand suddenly grabbed her waist pulling her away. Her feet were a few inches off the ground. she whimpered in panic, fear and pain. "What is happening here?" Whose voice was that" a commanding voice with a strong yet cold aura with a touch of warmth that was distant. Yes, the king. She had heard him address the market some time back! It must be him, but why was his voice so close?She looked up, to meet a pair of dark eyes, that looked green ...a dark green color that shone bright when they were hit by light. He was good -looking a handsome king as they always say. She has never seen his face, now that she does, she would agree that he is a handsome man! No doubt. "What is the matter with you?" the king asked but she was in no position to answer! Her face had rammed into his chest, and his hand was holding her firmly and they were close, too close! She was breathless and it terrified her that she was this close with the king of the north. Her, a poor orphan girl! Her teeth chattered as she shivered. The king smirked, poor thing ... you are so cold! The king uttered.
"Massimos, get her to the maid's house. Let her get changed once she's warm bring her to me""yes my king" he bowed taking the girl into his arms.
Salvina got an opportunity to bathe in the palace for the first time, she got the chance to use the best wash soaps in the land. She got an opportunity to wear clothes that were made by the royal maids, it was her first time to be treated like a queen, she was amused by the kind of treatment she got. When her father was alive, they had maids who served them, but the evil man, took all the servants away as slaves. Some managed to escape but some got killed. She was always sad to think of such times.
"This way young madam, the king wishes to see you!" Massimos ordered. She walked out of the room and pulled the hood over her head to keep warm. She slowly followed Massimos to the king's chamber. The door was opened for her and she got nervous immediately and begun tagging on her dress.
"Don't worry young miss, the king is a kind man. Go in" Massimos encouraged her. She looked at the kind man with contemplation then entered the chamber. It was a vast room with furniture that looked expensive and pompous. The royal bed was at the far end of the room, a long blind separated it from the sitting area and the fireplace that was on the other side of the room. There was a wide window on both sides of the wall the east and the west. The candles illuminated the room, the rains had ceased and darkness was setting in. where would she sleep tonight? She had sold all the furniture and everything in their house to pay their debts and cater for the funeral. It was the small mat and a stove left in the small cabin, she did not even have food to eat or clothes to wear, just a few rugs left!A hidden door next to the entrance door opened, and there stood the silhouette of the king. His presence wouldn't be ignored, his looks and aura were quire noticeable. Salvina lowered her head and bowed in respect.
"Your highness, I came to see you" her voice was small and delicate like flower petals soaked in the rain.
"you may rise, please sit" he said sitting on the magnificent solo chair that was made of gold and silver. She sat on the low sofa in front of him and lowered her head.
"Get rid of your hood, and speak!"she hurriedly pulled the hood off and looked up "your highness, please ... marry me!"king Osbert's eyes flew wide, he choked on his own saliva and coughed violently. He poured himself some water from a jar on the side table and gulped it down. On the other hand, Salvina was annoyed and afraid at the same time. What was funny about him marrying her?"Your highness pardon me if I surprised you" she apologized unwillingly. "It wasn't your fault, I didn't expect to hear such from a little girl like you!" he said with a voice full of mockery. Her eyes blazed with anger, she was not a little girl, she was fifteen girls often married at fifteen what made her little?"Your highness, I am fifteen, I can get married right? I am also learned; I can read and write. I can do chores if I must, I can cook I can bear...
"Stop!" he yelled. Bear children? She was a little child! She could be the age of being married, but having children was a different story. "Does anyone know that you are here and what you came to do? Your mother? Your father? Anyone?"
"No one knows, I came at my own free will" she answered confidently.
"But you should have let your parents know?"
"I may be willing to let them know, but they no longer live in houses or above the earth. They are back to dust, I am alone"
"they are deceased?"
"Yes, your highness, does that disqualify me from becoming the queen? Or your wife"? she asked her eyes earnestly waiting for his response
"No" he answered suddenly feeling sorry for the little girl. She looked fragile, yet her eyes held a lot of power within them. She behaved timid but her voice was not fearful let alone her starry eyes that held a lot of confidence and looked at him fearlessly. Most of the young women and girls looked at him with teary eyes, fearful or as if they were begging him for mercy. But hers were full of life and power, she looked at him with respect but there was no fear in those milky eyes. "Does that mean am qualified?""Yes...A joyous shout and giggle dragged him out of his thoughts, he looked at her in shock. Her tiny fists were balled, she had a broad smile on her lips displaying her milky white teeth. Her eyes sparkled with joy and relief! What did he say to make her soul suddenly flame in such kind of boundless happiness?"Thank you your highness, I knew you wouldn't reject such a beautiful lady like me" she grinned from ear to ear looking at him as if he were some king of god ."What?""Don't go back on your word your highness, you have already given your word to me. You cannot go back, don't label yourself a bad king!"What?"Did I..."Yes you did, now am your fiancée, yet to be official. You are a kind man your highness, long live his majesty" she kowtowed thrice and raised her head all smiles "I promise to be a good queen, I will help you solve stuff. I will be here, just for you" she smiled innocently. King Osbert watched the little girl speak, her voice was melodious. Her face that was round and delicate like a budding flower was pleasant to look at, her coal black hair that moved and bounced on her back and shoulders whenever she moved her hair was so beautiful on her little head. Her grey eyes were like a calm see that was sealing a deadly wave below them. He listened to her rumble about being a good wife, did she even know what being a wife meant? He smiled subconsciously; she needs to be taught a lesson. Being a wife was not easy, let alone a queen. And he was not a man who deserved a good woman, of what good was he? He even dismissed all the women who came and now a child was here ready to offer herself to a beast like him ."You won't regret your choice?" he suddenly asked cutting her shot. "What?" she asked as she was talking continuously and didn't even hear what he said .He knelt before her to match her height as she was sitting on the floor the whole time from kowtowing. She froze staring at his face that was an inch away from hers. she gulped in fear but held herself together ."A good wife listens to her husband; you didn't even hear what I said. Are you a good wife really?" he raised a brow at her. she was dumbfounded then said slowly "a good husband does not intimidate his wife either" he was surprised by her response 'intimidate' that was quite a mouthful. He smiled slowly. "So what does that make us?" he asked just to hear her response.
"A perfect couple! We are a perfect match, a fit jigsaw puzzle" He smiled rubbing her hair, "You are such a smart mouth, don't try that with me" She swallowed looking up at him "They say, you only be true to yourself when you are with your wife. That is when you can be delicate, foolish, mouthy and even cry because a wife is a place of peace. You let me be your place of peace, can you let me use you as my place of peace as well?"what was she saying? He was at the verge of crying but he wouldn't, she was indeed a smart mouth. Did she even know the weight of her words? Was she just saying them for the sake? She tilted her head, her innocent eyes eager for an answer
."Don't say such words to a man" he flickered her forehead, she squalled and pouted at him ."I was not saying them to any man, I said them to my husband!"that hit him like a thunderbolt, he was not able to move for a long time. He just stared at her rubbing her forehead cutely. Where did this miracle come from? Was god now sending him his salvation through a little girl?"what is your name?""Salvina Dasya"
'salvation is a gift from God' the words echoed in his mind. He raised his eyes to the little innocent girl and he felt guilty. He did not deserve it. He stood up suddenly. "Little wife, your dearest husband will punish you today. You will stay up and wait for me till I get back, no sleeping. You heard me?"She smiled brightly "yes my husband" was she smiling, what for? She sat up read for her punishment, he walked to the door. Why was he punishing her? Because her name was too tempting and she was annoyingly innocent and cute!"Big husband" she called after him startling him. He turned to look at her bright face "A punishment from a husband is said to be romantic, are you trying to be romantic?" he almost collapsed. He watched her mischievous face and shook his head, she definitely liked looking at his shocked face, and oh, she did. He shook his head in disbelief and walked out. Salvina waited for him for hours but he didn't come, she kept waiting even after having a meal brought by Massimos but he didn't come. Eventually she fell asleep on the floor. At midnight, the entrance door opened, king Osbert stumbled inside. He shut the door behind him and staggered forward and sat on his favorite seat, he hiccupped and belched awkwardly. Then his eyes caught sight of something that was not usually in his room, a gown, no a little girl sleeping on the floor. He squinted his eyes trying to remember
......punishment from a husband is said to be romantic, are you trying to be romantic?... big husband ... a good husband does not intimidate his wife ...don't say such things to a man ... I wasn't saying them to any man...
I said them to my husband!She was the little miracle, he thought. She easily called him and declared him as her husband, she touched someplace no one has ever been able to touch
....I promise to be a good queen, I will help you solve stuff...
would she? He thought bitterly. Would she help him solve stuff? He knelt down beside her and pinched her soft cheeks, she mumbled something in her sleep but didn't wake up. He smiled at her cuteness and pinched her again.
"You failed to complete the romantic punishment little wife" he pinched her again
.she opened her eyes and looked at him, she was still sleepy.
"Big husband" she muttered "you are finally back" she grinned sleepily.
"Am back little wife" he said
."You sound sad" she said "Who made you sad, husband? Who dares make you sad?""He made me sad and went away, he already left" he answered his eyes hazy. She cupped his face hit her little delicate hands.
"Don't be sad husband, wife will feel bad if you are sad." She hugged him and petted his huge back, Osbert was moved by her childish cute behaviors and he wept silently. There was no one in the world who cared if he too had stuff to deal with, he too felt pain, he too needed an embrace. But a little girl, effortlessly offered him her little warm embrace without any resistance or pay. He couldn't help it he wept in silence so he wouldn't startle the little girl. She fell asleep without realizing it. Osbert pulled her out of his arms and smiled sadly.
"little miracle, you made the king cry. How should I punish you now?" he poked her cute nose and carried her to the bed and let her sleep. She suddenly sat up wide awake
."What is it?"
"a wife should not sleep while on duty." She said and he laughed, she was struggling to remain awake. "come here husband climb on the bed" he obeyed just to see what she would do. She pulled his head and lay it on her laps.
"Close your eyes husband, wife will get you to sleep. Being king is tough right? I heard you had to become king when you were just nineteen. It must be hard, our kingdom is quite big, and you have to handle it all. You must have had a tough day husband" she yawned "it must have been a long day with a lot to do" she yawned again "wife will pet your hair to sleep. Sleep now, don't worry of tomorrow ... it is said in books, let tomorrow worry for itself. I know a king only does as he wishes. But obey that saying ... for ... for today, just sleep..." she yawned her eyes closing slowly and she fell asleep her little fingers buried in his dark hair. He had fallen asleep as well, he had heard her say let tomorrow worry for itself and it sounded like music to his ears. He let himself be delicate and he fell asleep. They slept behind the blinds while the full moon danced high in the sky, and a shadow that had been watching them high in the sky behind the grey clouds disappeared into the woods waiting for a perfect moment to tear salvation away from those who had just found it!

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