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As the sun bathed the Valiant Kingdom in golden light, the grandeur of the day matched the joy in the hearts of its people. It was the day of the long- awaited union between Queen Salvina Dasya and King Osbert. The kingdom bustled with excitement, adorned in banners and flowers, celebrating the love that would bind two realms together.

In the heart of the royal palace, the Great Hall shimmered with opulence, its walls draped in cascading tapestries depicting the history of the land. The air was filled with the sweet scent of roses, mingling with the soft strains of music floating from a distant chamber.

Queen Salvina, radiant in her ivory gown adorned with delicate lace and shimmering jewels, stood at the threshold, anticipation fluttering in her chest. Her journey to this moment had been one of solitude and perseverance, an orphaned by the sudden departure of her gracious mother. Now poised to unite her destiny with that of her King Osbert, her only hope for the present and the future.
"She is pretty, very beautiful indeed"
"When I heard that she was sixteen, I thought it was just an ugly duckling. She fits unto royalty we have a beautiful queen"
"She is as beautiful as the sun"
The ones who were present to witness the beautiful wedding appreciated the beauty of the queen to be. No doubt she was beautiful,an angle sent from heaven!

Meanwhile, King Osbert, resplendent in his regal attire, stood tall beside his mother, Queen Mother Helina, her presence a testament to the enduring strength of family ties. Though the loss of his father (not that they were at all close, but he was a very significant figure in his life) had cast a shadow over his youth, today was a beacon of hope, a new chapter unfolding in the annals of their kingdom. Helina was strong, beautiful and her presence demanded authority without even trying. The guards, maids, bodyguards and the soldiers bowed deeply in the respect of the royal family. He would now complete his last responsibility as the king of Valiant kingdom, getting the kingdom a queen. A beautiful queen with the purest heart and thought, what more would they desire other than a capable queen who will support him for the betterment of the kingdom?

As Salvina made her way down the aisle, escorted by her loyal retinue, her gaze met Osbert's. Her heart was flattered for a moment . The reality of it made her feel a little conscious about herself. Not that he didn't know her, he knew he too well an she was definitely overwhelmed by the large number of people at their wedding
He smiled at her, a secret smile she would only notice. She inhaled deeply and let go of her dress. She would be married, today! Possibly, marriage was for those who loved each other, for a couple that was deeply in love and was ready to spend a lifetime together. But, for Salvina Dasya and king Osbert Bolverkr it was not about love or a lifetime promise. No it is the comfort, the serenity, the warmth and the joy that bubbled in their hearts whenever the other smiled. Or the peace when the sound of her laugher rung in his hollow chamber. Maybe, the exhilaration that smeared into the atmosphere whenever she teased him, made fun of him and told him those imaginary stories whenever she could. Or maybe, he loved her!
With each step, Salvina felt the weight of her past dissolve, replaced by the warmth of Osbert's kindness and the unwavering support of their subjects. And as they stood before the altar, hand in hand, their vows echoed through the hallowed halls, a testament to the enduring power of love to transcend barriers and unite kingdoms.
She remembered once when her mother had asked her the question..
..."What if I send you there? What would you be?"
."I would be his wife"
"The queen?"
"No, just the king's wife?"
"Then I can be king Osbert's wife, and not the queen. He is a good king, no one is hungry in the state anymore. He should live healthy for a long time so the Valiant kingdom can always bloom and people continue being happy and prosperous...
That is what she will do, be his wife as well as the queen as the queen mother wanted. She would keep the mere promise she had made to her mother. As if she knew that she a day would come for her to be the queen. As if she knew.
"You look stunning"
"Thank you" she whispered back
"You're now the queen... My wife..." He spoke under his breathe as the head of the ceremony was still talking.
"I am only a wife to the king... That is what I wanted"
"Seems like you will have to be a queen a well ... For your husband"
"For my husband.... I can do that"
He smiled at her and almost rubbed her head as he usually did.
Helina watched his son, since the departure of the king... Plus the day he was crowned as the king he has been sad and gloomy. He was annoyed by the sudden death of his Father, the King! He didn't like having responsibilities on his shoulders, he thought it was fine with his brother taking over the Valiant kingdom but the death of him ruined everything...he was the second son had to take over. It was such a weight on his shoulders, he was young but at least he was competent. He has handled matters wisely so far, he was promising. Yet, Helina worried, the love that was building between them... The intensity of it was scary. It was like a thick blanket that shouldered them together and wiped everyone else off leaving only the of them in the universe. She could see it in her eyes, in his eyes. They didn't know but he could tell, it was so easy to read.
"Your highness, you look troubled what is the matter?"
"Can you see gat I see, Sera? The thickness of their love? Is it not a little wanting?"
"What troubles you my lady?" Sera who was not good at all at reading the situation asked sheepishly.
"It is a dangerous kind of love dear Sera, it's fearful... The passion is of extreme intensity... And it troubles me"
"Why should it trouble you?"
"Sera dear, some matters need a lot of insightfulness to understand . And they are better not said out loud, the tongue can be the cause of disaster "
"What is that supposed to mean?" The clueless Sera asked again. Helina sighed tiredly "you should go see the scribes and the teachers my dearest maid, you ran out of classes all the time to serve me"
"It's nice serving you queen mother Helina!" She said innocently
"Studies are good too "
"It's tiresome I rather serve you, your highness " she said happily.
"Sera dear " the queen smiled at the young woman's ignorance. Slowly the ceremony drew to a close, king Osbert kissed her queen on the forehead. Promising he protection and to always be there for her. Cheers resounded throughout the kingdom, Salvina knew that her journey from orphan to queen was not merely a tale of destiny but a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that awaited those who dared to dream.
"Let's go home my queen" Osbert took her hand as they boarded the beautiful carriage.
"Let's go, my husband" she agreed shyly her cheeks turning beet red.
"Cut!" Flint clapped his hands with a smile "that was beautiful, the chemistry is perfect!"
Avalyn walked to the small stall and bought herself a bottle of water. She drunk the whole thing and sighed. She didn't have the courage to face Kingsley yet, she was embarrassed after what happened and it felt even more awkward acting like a couple.
"Thirty minutes break then we're shooting the wedding night scene then we will take a break before the others come to stage. The leads will be free to leave after the wedding night scene" Mr. Flint announced.
"Come on time to change Missy" Adrielle dragged Avalyn to the changing room and helped he out if the wedding gown.
"What is going on between you and Kingsley?"
"What? Why? Nothing!"
She responded hurriedly.
"That clearly shows there is something going on, what us it?"
"Nothing, just .... I just embarrassed myself earlier that is what it is "
"I hope so, I don't want you guys to get on each other's bad side, we are trying to ship you guys... Don't disappoint us this early"
"You guys are crazy, we are not a perfect match at all. Besides he is way beyond my standards not to mention such a rich dude must have someone in mind already" Avalyn dismissed the miserable though.
"Alright, get in your dress we are getting late "
King Osbert entered the chamber, it was decorated beautifully with red and white. Flower petals were scattered on the floor and the room had a rich beautiful scent that was serene. Candles lit the room dimly, bringing out a romantic atmosphere that was expected to be present in such a night. He slowly walked in an the door was shut behind him. The veil of the royal bed was brought down and a feminine figure sat behind it. His wife, his beloved queen; Salvina Dasya!
He reached for the veil and pulled it away Salvina smiled at him like a kid.
"Welcome to out matrimonial bed my beloved husband " she lay on her side displaying he curvey figure under the thin fabric. Her snow white legs were bare for his eyes to see. She pat the bed "lay down husband "
He cleared his throat awkward scratching his neck and yawned.
"Am a little drowsy I will sleep on the cushions, enjoy the bed" he turned to leave but Salvina pulled him roughly, he toppled onto the bed defenselessly.
"You don't want your wife to be disgraced the next morning, do you?" She sighed and he went quiet " I will bear you a thousand sons and daughters, I know I am just sixteen but when the time comes I will bear you beautiful children. For the sake of my image as a newly wed, just lay down beside me, OK?"
Osbert sighed and sat up looking at him "you are the best queen in the world"
"Am I?"
He nodded "seems like fate is on my side in terms of choosing a queen and a wife. I think it's fate that sent you here on that rainy day"
She smile enchantingly "my husband has improved at flirting" she laughed and kissed his cheek.
"At least you got a peck on your wedding night"
He grinned at her cute act and he kissed her forehead "you did too"
They were happy to be with each other and as if nothing existed they chatted the night away and sleep in each other's arms , peacefully.
"See you guys on Thursday I have to go see my grandma "
"Is she OK?"
"Yes, she's fine don't worry Nancy " she pulled on her blazer and shades "I will get going then."
Avalyn walked out of the villa , she got into her Subaru dumping her bags in the backseat. She stretched her hands and ignited the car. It started but then stopped. She tried again and again but it wouldn't start. She slammed her first on the steering wheel angrily.
"You old wagon why wouldn't you start...why?... Why? And you do this all the time I need you!" She tugged on her hair exhaling sadly.
"Fine, if it is what you want, I will walk then." She grabbed her bag and stepped out of the car slamming the door shut angrily.
"Need help?"
"Forget it..." She turned to look at the owner of the voice, Kingsley. She sighed "sorry, no thanks I will walk"
"It's not everyday I offer to help someone you know...
"I can tell you are typically the kind of mind your own business guy"
"Then feel honoured" he said barely showing any emotions. Avalyn chuckled and got into the Mercedes C300 anyway it was a kind offer after all.
He leaped onto the drivers seat and ignited the heavy machine. He pulled out of the driveway smoothly and hit the road. He drove smoothly as if he was born to escort the royals.
"Where is Haddon, today?"
"Oh, Haddon... He has some personal matters to attend to so he didn't come"
"I see" he drove silently for barely a minute then asked.
"What is wrong with your Subaru? It looks fine from the outside"
"It's old... The engine is not so good"
"Why not purchase a new machine?"
She fiddled with her fingers nervously the embarrassing moment was still playing in her head "grandma purchased it for me back in highschool so... It's hard to let go even though it's a second hand"
"She loves you, doesn't she?"
"Yeah, of course she does we are family. Only the two of us and the nurse"
"Where are her children?"
"They abandoned her when her company went bankrupt and she had to sell them out to other people who could manage them. She only has her mansion, it's hereditary so... She couldn't let it go"
"I see" King nodded "does she miss her kids or talk about them?"
Avalyn glanced at Kingsley and smiled slyly, it was unlike him to talk or ask so much. Let alone offer her a ride.
"Sometimes... But barely talk of missing any of them"
"Would you forgive them if it were you?"
Avalyn though for a while then chuckled.
"It can't be me, but If it were me, I would either forget them or forgive them "
"I thought the teachings were forgive and forget and not forget or forgive "
"That is true but, if you can't forgive, forget and if you can't forget, forgive. That works easier and they intercept at the point if finally forgiving and forgetting "
The lights indicated red and they stopped. There was a huge jam ahead, it seemed like they will take forever to get to the city center.
"Do you want to hear a story?" King asked, he has been burning to correct the speculation everyone had. It was a burning desire to correct something everyone assumed.
"Yeah, sure"
"Well ... King Osbert did not actually spend his wedding night sleeping...

King Osbert slowly approached the royal bed, a figure sat behind the curtain... His wife and queen Salvina Dasya. He had no idea what everyone expected him to do on his wedding night with such a cute little girl for a wife. He wouldn't mishandle such a cutie pie, what would he do? What did they hope for.
He opened the curtain but it was only a pile of blankets piled into a feminine figure. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He forgot how playful Dasya was.
"Come out wife" he called and suddenly a monkey of a girl jumped on his back. Strangling him with her feeble arms, he barely felt any pain. She pulled and pulled but he only laughed at her effort that yielded to nothing.
"What are you doing?"
"King Osbert took an orphan for a wife and she killed him on their wedding night. Am trying to make some hot tragic story here" she said struggling to no avail.
King Osbert pretended to choke and coughed.
"Please don't kill me wife" he said "I will give you anything you want, I will do whatever you say!"
"What if I ask for your kingdom, will you give it to me?"
"I will my love"
"And if I ask you to be mine, will you be?"
"I've always been yours love"
"What if I ask you to be my partner in crime?"
"I surely will be my beloved"
She smiled brilliantly letting go if him and getting down to the ground.
"Really? You will be?"
"Wait were you serious?"
She squinted her eyes at him pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Don't you dare take your words back, husband. I will surely kill you this time round"
"Alright what is it?" He didn't feel threatened at all, she actually looked so cute and he was suppressing the urge to pinch her chubby cheeks.
She rushed across the room to the trunk on the other side of the room and pulled out two pairs of clothes... Maids and soldiers uniform.
She was smiling brightly at him.
"We will not sit here and do nothing on our wedding night. Come with me, I will show you something"
"Salvina my dear, you are so wild"
"Then try to tame me, husband"
"No, I will become wild too so we can live in the mountains together"
She blushed uncontrollably and Osbert pinched her rosy cheeks making them become beet red.
"Don't tease me husband, we should hurry, come on"
Fascinated by his little wife's adventurous nature he changed into the clothes and so did she. She passed him a sword and she took a tray.
"Come on husband"
"If you call me husband then everyone will definitely know we are not servants at the palace"
"I will call you Dawn then...
"Yes, because you have a very beautiful smile. As pleasant a a new day " she answered dragging him out, "come on Dawn."
He was flustered, now this little wife he married was making his heart grow wings and fly away. She did not even have an idea of what her compliments she conveyed casually did to him. She made him so happy until he forgot everything. He wanted to keep her safe, keep her for himself, selfishly. Did she know that he loved her. She was the apple of his eye, his whole world.
If she had come earlier would he have been happy for a long time like now?
He didn't know, but nevertheless he was happy that she was there with him holding his hands after making it past the guards at the Eastern wing of the palace. He was glad to see her hair dark as the night waving in the wind as she ran. Holding his hand tightly as if he was meant to only be held by her. It was beautiful, they were making beautiful mistakes together. It all seemed right in his eyes as long as she was with him... Safe with him it made him feel like heaven had descended upon his life.

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