It's quite hysterical how time can easily stab a person in the back and leave one bleeding to death. How it is as treacherous as the heart and do believe me, dear reader, time is very very-cruel. When with the one who makes the universe stop moving, it lasts but only a few seconds. And when he's not there, seconds seem to last an eternity. Two days had elapsed, each day lasting longer than the other. Each day more of a decade than the other. Notes appeared on my bedside each morning, how they did still remain a mystery to me even today. The third day I awoke to another note from Kage and it read,
"Dear flower,
I've been wishing upon the morning star every dawn break even when it's not there and silently pray that you show. Even if you do not, I'll always stay, hoping, praying and silently loving you till another sun sets.

As much as I tried to ignore him, deep in my heart I fought the urge to run wild towards the forests. Sometimes as I strolled the castle grounds, I'd find myself by the forest again and silently curse my existence. That day the queen, my mother had summoned me for breakfast. We sat across each other with the clicking and clattering of utensils the only sound present. I only played with my food as I had not the appetite to swallow. The tension that hung in the air was so thick one could slice it with a knife.
"I take it things are not going well with your prince." My mother said with a rather nonchalant expression. My eyes widened and my heart leapt in my chest. The shock must have been clearly written on my face for she said,
"Oh spare me the drama, how long did you think you'd keep it hidden for?" When answered by my silence she continued on,
"I  applaud his tactic, trapping a Princess disheartened by her father's death, for information about her kingdom? Absolutely outstanding, don't you think?" More silence. I knew better than to believe the lies which sprang out of my mother's mouth.
"You ascend the throne in four winters, Iris. Has it not occurred to you how all of it could be a conspiracy. I knew you were gullible but you've also proven to be a complete and utter fool."
"Can we not eat in silence mother?"
"Huh! You expect me to be silent; when you have constantly been bringing shame to this kingd-"
"I did n-"
"You dare interrupt me?" Silence.
"Your prince, does not love you. He's distracting you. Look at you, when last did you yield a weapon?" More silence.
"And when they finally bring ruin on your kingdom,  your people's blood will be on those very hands which roam over his body everyday. But worry not, I'll put an end to it and that's a promise." With the wave of her hand, it was all the indication I needed that the conversation was over. As I walked out, my mind pondered over and over on my mother's words. She could have been right, I had only met Kage for the first time, hours after my Father's death. Surely news of his death would not have traveled that fast, right? But my heart refused to believe it, Kage loved me he would never do such-right? There was only one way to find out. The note now felt more heavy in my pocket. "I'll always stay," he had said. So I ran, out the doors of the castle, past the pegasi stables and into the forest. My heart lurched in my chest as I ran and ran and ran through the canopy of trees. I finally came to a halt a few feet away. As if on cue, he turned and saw me, joy was written all over his features. My own treacherous little heart also betrayed me at the moment, took hold of all my senses and made me run, once again, into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as if he feared I'd vanish. It was only when he pulled away I saw Kaida laying upside down on the ground looking at us. He cupped my face and pushed loose strands of hair behind my ear.
"I missed you," Silence. I feared if I opened my mouth I would regret my words. He held my hand and led me closer to a now sitting upright Kaida. I watched as he mounted the phoenix and extended a hand for me to take. I raised a brow in question hesitating,
"You asked I take you to my home and I promised. So come." I slid my hand into his and he pulled me up the back of the phoenix in front of him. He pulled the reigns of the phoenix and directed it for the border which looked like a wall. I closed my eyes tightly expecting impact but we passed through the wall with ease. Kaida then bolted upwards into the sky with lightning speed. I didn't realize I had been clutching onto Kage, my whole face buried in his chest until Kaida finally hovered about ground. Flustered, I pulled away and gazed at the scene before me.
"Welcome to the dark realm."
It was indeed the dark realm. Dark clouds covered the sky, one's so dark you expected rain out of them. It could have been daytime but I saw tiny gleams in the sky, no doubt stars. They had no sun, rather it was a massive grey orb, the moon. I could hear the eerie screeching of phoenixes and cries of other unnamed creatures. It was thrillingly beautiful, like him. My gazed roamed over the ground, where darkness stretched across the terrain. Trees so tall, one could swear they was nothing underneath them. And then I heard a faint pull, something pulled at me both in my mind and in my heart. I searched the source of the pull until I saw a little light in the dark canopy of trees.
"I want to get closer." I pointed out. No question, he simply obeyed. The pull got stronger and stronger as if the source got agitated by my presence. And now that I was closer, I recognized it.
"Is that-" I couldn't bear myself to finish as horror struck me. Maybe there was some truth in my mother's words.
"The blossom? Yes, I just had to grow some here after I saw how beautiful they were."
Traitor! My mind screamed at me. 'Blood on your hands!' My mother's voice rang at the back of my head.
"You did not think to consult me first?"
"I- I did not think you would-"
"Think? I could lose my head because of this treachery! This is treason. My kingdom could crumble and you justify yourself with not thinking?"
"Iris, they are just flowers-"
"These flowers are native to my lands. They are the emblem of my kingdom. This act can be considered mockery of my realm and-"
"I did not kno-"
"And, and above all, they make the light realm what it is. All it's magic and splendor, surely you've been told." I could not, my hear could not handle that much rage. It all swam to me as once I wanted to break down and cry, to fold my hand in fists and scream in rage, to lie down staring at nothingness.
"I'm sorry Iris, I did not know. I-"
"Please take me home," I said, my voice barely a whisper. No argument, he simply obeyed. My heart felt empty, I felt like the traitor I had become. I was the hope of my people but they would forever abhor me if they knew. It was then I knew, my people needed their leader, their princess, the one who'd become their queen. But for me to become that, it meant not loving him. And believe me dear reader, that was something I would never ever be capable of doing.

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