Chapter 7: Jaye

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"This is the worst," Jaye complained, covering his ears. "It's gotta be illegal for Lady Reida to use detention as an excuse to give a lecture on elvin history."

Zoe nodded, her short hair flying around her face and into her brown eyes. Despite having the same hair and eyes as her mom, Zoe didn't look much like Sophie.

Prettier, Jaye thought, then shoved the thought away. He hadn't just thought that. No way. Not a chance.

"At least there's only a few minutes left," Torrin whispered.

"No talking!" Lady Reida took a break from her lecture to scold him. "Do you want more detention?"

"Sign me up," Jaye joked.

"Consider this a warning," Lady Reida said, then jumped back into a lecture about, as far as Jaye could tell, the most boring war in all of history.

"Time's up," Torrin announced, conjuring up a clock.

On the way out of the detention room, Larrina shoved Jaye into the wall. "I used to think I could be proud of being a Vacker. Then I heard about you guys," she hissed. "Your family is a disgrace."

"At least we're not mean," Jaye snapped.

"Your dad used to be an important guy, but he married a Pyrokinetic, became a bad match, and had twins," Larrina said. Jaye wanted to mesmerize her to stop, but he couldn't focus. Larrina's insults rang in his ears.

"Leave my best friend's brother alone," Zoe said, stepping in front of Larrina.

"Oh, the Talentless Foster with ugly brown eyes. Are you sure you're not human?" Larrina taunted.

"Just leave us alone." Zoe stood to her full height—which was still several inches shorter than Larrina—and glared at the other elf. She took Jaye's hand and started to walk off, Torrin just behind her.

"Thanks." Jaye was sure that the ogres in Ravagog could hear his pounding heart.

"No problem. Someone needs to put that girl in her place," Zoe said with a grin. "I'm more than happy to do it. As many times as I have to."

"You're scary," Torrin complimented.

"Why thank you," Zoe said with mock etiquette.

"Let's go see if we can meet up with Callista before we have to get to our next class," Jaye suggested.

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