Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Cole POV

My parents and I made it to San Francisco. I checked my phone and didn't see any messages from Liv.

"Just relax, you know there's a time difference," my dad said. I nodded my head.

"Yeah," I said as I made it up to my room that I was sharing with Dana and Gabe.

I saw Dana as he shot me with his nerf gun.

"Hey! It's not fair!" I yelled as I tried to block out his ammo. "Where's Gabe?" I asked.

"He got a flat tire, so he will be here soon," Dana said as he shot me again.

"Will you stop that?" I asked.

"Nope," Dana said as he shot me again.

"You do know I am two years older than you, right?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, yeah, you might be all talk, but you would never hurt me," Dana said. I grabbed Dana around the waist and held him to me for a minute. "Now if Liv found out, who knows what she would do," Dana said.

I released Dana as he smiled. "That girl will always work for you," Dana said.

I rolled my eyes. "She's my girl for a reason," I said.

"We all know," Dana said. "Do you know if she wrote any new songs?" he asked. I shrugged.

"She still hasn't recorded the songs she wrote before she went through surgery. And we wrote a duet that we want to get signed off and given to us," I said.

"What is the song called? Is it a duet for just you and Liv? Or does it need my beautiful voice as well?" Dana asked. I sat down on the bed and shook my head.

"It will only work for Liv and I. Even I haven't sung the song yet, I was waiting for her to get better so we could perform the song together," I said.

"Oh, so it's a love song, just like how she wrote "Can't Stay Away?" Dana asked. I shook my head. "Cole, we all know her songs are about you, even the ones with IM5," Dana said.

"Can I show you something? It is something I've been working on since Liv's birthday," I said as I grabbed my notebook out of my suitcase.

"Yeah," Dana said. I flipped to the right page and handed the notebook over to Dana. "Eye's Like Yours," ballad?" Dana asked. I nodded my head. "This song is about Liv?" Dana asked.

"Who else would this song be about?" I asked.

"Good point, unless you have that fake ex girlfriend you need to scream at," Dana said. I rolled my eyes. "I've never seen eyes like yours, cry like yours, I've never seen eyes so brown, look so blue, and if I could find a way to change your yesterday, I'd spend every day with you," Dana said dramatically.

"If you don't want to read the song, I can just wait to show Liv on my own time," I said rolling my eyes.

"No, Cole, this is really good, I was a little surprised when you said brown eyes because you and I both know she has blue eyes," Dana said.

"Just read the chorus," I said.

"Okay, "You say it's okay, it's alright, pain is just a part of life, but when you're with me, I won't let it be, because eyes like yours, shouldn't have to see things like that, come with me we'll never look back, I'll give you something worth looking at, cause baby girl, eyes like yours, shouldn't have to see things like that, come with me we'll never look back I'll give you something worth looking at." That is really good," Dana said.

My December (Cole Pendery Story) Book 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz