Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Alex's POV

I was sitting at home finishing some cleaning around the house when my phone rang.

I saw it was Liv and answered.

"Hey Liv," I said.

"Hey, how much do you love me?" Liv asked.

"Why?" I asked getting up from the bed and walking towards the window.

"I am home right now, and the boys have a show in Sacramento, I was going to go there and surprise Cole, and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?" Liv asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour," Liv said.

"See you soon," I said.

"See ya," Liv said hanging up. I quickly ran to my closet to start packing.

An hour later I had my things ready to go. I stood by the door as Dwight and Liv drove up the driveway. I grabbed my suitcase and ran to the car. Liv got out of the car.

"Hey," I said walking over to her and giving her a hug.

"Hey," Liv said. "I didn't want it to just be me when I went to visit them," Liv said.

"Yeah and it's there what? Second to last show?" I asked. Liv nodded her head.

"Then I am away on tour for most of the summer," She said. We put my bags in the car before we were off to the airport.

A few hours later we landed in Sacramento. Fans already spotted Liv as we ran to the next car.

"Are we going to the hotel, or the venue?" I asked.

"Jill said they are exploring," Liv said as she pulled out her phone. "Good thing I have Cole's location," she said as she stared at her phone.

Liv started talking with Dwight for a while before the car stopped near a park. "Come on," Liv said getting out of the car. We started walking as Liv kept looking at her phone. "We are close," Liv said.

I looked up and saw the boys a few feet away from us. "There they are," I said pointing at them. Their backs were to us as Dana turned around.

I saw Liv put her finger up to her lips before she looked at me. Dana nodded his head as he was in conversation with Gabe and Cole.

Liv and I went behind Cole and Gabe and covered their eyes.

"What the hell," Gabe said.

"Guess who," Dana sang.

I pulled my hands away from Gabe's eyes and he turned around. "Alex! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Liv wanted to surprise Cole, and asked me to come along as well," I said as I glanced over at Liv and Cole as they were kissing.

I looked back at Gabe as he pulled me into a kiss.

Cole POV

I pulled away from Liv and smiled at her. "Couldn't stay away from me?" I asked. Liv nodded her head.

"I wanted a few extra days before I would have to leave you again," Liv said hugging me.

"I'm glad you brought Alex with you," I said as I nodded my head at her.

"Oh she was coming with me if I had to drag her out of the house and strap her to my suitcase," Liv said as I laughed.

"Would she even do it?" Dana asked.

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