Chapter 2

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"Rise and shine, motherfucker!" Jacob says, jumping on top of Lauren. "I fucking hate you." Lauren mutters into her pillow, shoving Jacob off of her. She lifts herself out of bed, stretching before checking the time. 8:43 AM.

She had 22 minutes before Camila would be outside, waiting for her. For some reason, she was nervous. She wasn't really sure why she was nervous, because, well, Lauren was never nervous, ever (which was ironic for someone who suffered regular anxiety attacks).

She had always been the confident type. The outgoing one, the unafraid and proud one. She frowned, rubbing at her head and checking the time to see that it now was 8:50.

She quickly jumped into the shower, not wanting to waste any time. When she got out, Jacob was sat on his bed, looking over at her and wiggling his eyebrows. "What? Do I have something on my face?" Lauren asked, frowning.

"No, but we do have a visitor..." Jacob said, looking over to the door. Stood there was Camila, smiling nervously. Lauren suddenly felt her face heat up. "Hi. Nice towel." Camila said, pointing to the towel wrapped around Lauren's head.

"You're hilarious," She says, a frown plastered on her face as she grabbed her clothing and took it into the bathroom.

Lauren could feel her face getting hotter and hotter.

"Oh, by the way: Camila, that asshole is Jacob. Jacob, that's Camila." Lauren said through the door. Camila sent Jacob a small wave and he smiled back at her.

Lauren exits the bathroom, fully dressed and a little less red than she was before. "So, do you guys share a room together?" Camila asks, shuffling slightly where she stood. "Sit down" Lauren mouthed towards Camila, shooting her a quick smile. The smaller girl obliged, sitting on the edge of Lauren's bed and smiling. "Unfortunately," Jacob says, sighing, "It's awful. She snores." "Jacob!" Lauren exclaimed, hitting the boy's arm.

He raises his hands in mock surrender and Lauren rolls her eyes. Camila frowns, "Aren't they concerned? Y'know, 'cause you're a guy and a girl sharing a room?" The smaller girl asks, confused.

Lauren laughed, "No. The entire staff here know that we're both completely gay and shockingly repulsed by each other." Lauren replied, smirking at Jacob. Camila doesn't react to Lauren mentioning her sexuality and shrugs, "They sound pretty relaxed here, then." Lauren nods, towel drying her hair until it was remotely dry, "Yeah, it's okay," Lauren reaches over onto her bed to retrieve her phone and checks the time. 9:10 AM.

Lauren was slightly shocked by the fact that Camila hadn't had a response to her mentioning her sexuality. Usually if Lauren were to mention anything, people would interrogate her, ask her too many questions. But Camila was different. And Lauren was starting to understand that now.

"You're repulsed by me?" Jacob asks, pouting. Both Lauren and Camila laugh as they exit the room and head to breakfast.

"Repulsed is a strong word..." Lauren says, laughing slightly, "A better word would probably be disgusted." "In what way is that better?" Jacob asks and Camila laughs. The three of them make their way to the den room and get in line for their food.

"Okay so," Lauren says, grabbing a carton of juice and placing it onto her tray, "It's monday today so I won't have that much time to show you around, but I will show you the ropes and explain what we do during the week." Lauren finished, walking over to their usual table, Camila following close behind.

"Thanks, again." Camila says, smiling nervously as Jacob sat down beside Mahogany. Camila opted to sit by Lauren, opposite Jacob. "Who's your little friend?" Mahogany asks, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards Camila.

Gold (Fifth Harmony Lauren/Camila Camren fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu